The Second Master’s Little Ancestor’s Vest Fell To the Ground

Chapter 107 I think... I can solve your problem

She came to the entrance of the hospital, looked up at the big characters on it, and said softly while pinching her chin with one hand, "Since it's the First City Hospital, the medical equipment shouldn't be too bad."

Mu Changying took out the mask and put it on, then stepped inside.

The remaining medicinal material will be analyzed tonight, and then the antidote can be made.

She had checked just now, and the director of the hospital hadn't left yet, and the biggest leader was here, so things would be much easier to handle.

Mu Changying came to the dean's office, raised her hand and gently knocked on the door.


The dean, who was sitting on the chair, was clasping his hands together, supporting his chin, closing his eyes and thinking.

He sighed, with a few hints of sadness and boredom between his brows and eyes.

"Feng Lao's illness is too troublesome, this operation is not easy at all."

It has been a long time since old man Feng was sent to the hospital. The experts in the hospital kept checking day and night, and finally found the cause of the disease.

But it is on the brain nerves, and the risk of craniotomy is quite high.

The most important thing is that the tumor is very close to the nerve, if you don't pay attention to it, it will cause Feng Lao to become stupid, or an unknown disease will appear.

He stared at the case list in front of him, frowning fiercely, with a complicated expression.

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and he immediately got up and opened the door.


Dean Huang originally thought that the doctor in the hospital had something to do with him, but unexpectedly, it was a girl wearing a mask who appeared in front of him.

"Cough cough cough...Little girl, which patient's family member are you?"

The only patient he took over recently was Feng Lao. Did this girl find the wrong person when she asked about her condition?

Mu Changying looked at the person in front of him, "I'm here to see you, Dean."

Hearing this, Dean Huang nodded, then opened the door to let people in.

"Sit down, I'll pour you a glass of water."

The doctor is benevolent, he looked at Mu Changying, and felt a little bit of pity in his heart.

This girl should have come to consult her illness, and she didn't know who was sick in the family.

She was sitting on a chair, her eyes just fell on the case sheet.

After Mu Changying finished reading, he tapped on the table with one hand and murmured, "It seems that things are much easier to handle."

I thought it would take a lot of effort to get the right to use the hospital laboratory, but now it doesn't have to be so hard.

Dean Huang put a cup of warm boiled water in front of her, and said kindly, "Little girl, what do you need to ask?"

"I think... I can help you solve your current problem."

Mu Changying picked up the case sheet and the pen on the table, and quickly wrote down the solution on it.

Dean Huang stood up in a panic, his voice suddenly raised, "You can't touch this thing!"

How can this girl touch such an important thing casually?

He came behind her and reached out his hand to take the list and the pen away by force.

Dean Huang's eyes fell on the case sheet, and when he saw the half-written solution, his body was struck by lightning.


Yi Qinghan came to the nanny's car, picked up Li Nanxun who was playing games, and ran away.

"Hey, Brother Han, what are you doing? I was playing a game just now!"

You know, he is playing in duo with his second brother!

Sudden hang-up at this time, I will definitely be sprayed to death by my second brother when I get home.

Yi Qinghan didn't speak, and pulled him to run. This move almost made him wonder if the variety show had already started recording, but the previous episodes were not like this!

[Aww, the third brother has appeared, meow begging for a ticket online~]

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