The Second Master’s Little Ancestor’s Vest Fell To the Ground

Chapter 125 My sincere love for Sister Ying can be learned from the sun and the moon

"Sister Ying!"

Hua Qiqi came to her senses, stood up from her seat, and rushed towards the girl standing at the door of the classroom with lightning speed.

The excited voice was so high-pitched that it almost lifted the ceiling of the classroom, and even Si Xian, who was sleeping on the table with headphones on, was woken up.

He was already in a bad mood and frowned in displeasure. He rolled up his sleeves and patted the table vigorously. "Damn, why are you making such a fuss? You didn't see me sleeping? Whoever makes a noise again will have his mouth sewn up." stand up!"

The moment Hua Qiqi pounced, Mu Changying moved her feet slightly to avoid the opponent's bear hug.

She walked into the classroom carrying her schoolbag, her watery eyes slightly narrowed, "Hey... Si Xiaoxian, you seem very unhappy when you see me~"

The girl's voice was delicate and tender, but it was like thunder in Si Xian's ears.


Damn it, why is Sister Ying here?

He didn't have time to think about it, and when his eyes met Mu Changying's weeping face, he was instantly defeated.

Si Xian stretched out his hand to rub his stiff face, and tried his best to bring up a natural smile, "Sister Ying, I'm really happy to see you!"

Hua Qiqi rolled her eyes speechlessly when she saw that his face changed as quickly as he could flip through a book.

"Sister Ying, please ignore him."

"As the saying goes, a man's mouth is a deceiver. If you believe his words, a sow can climb a tree."

Dare you be disrespectful to Sister Ying? Hum, this guy seems to need a good lesson before he learns to behave.

Si Xian's handsome face turned dark and numb after hearing this shameless scolding.

He wanted to retort fiercely, but there was a black-minded Yu Linye staring at him next to him.

"Forget it, good men don't fight with women, and I don't have the same experience as you!"

"My sincerity towards Sister Ying can be seen from heaven and earth, as evidenced by the sun and the moon. It is not something you can sow discord with just a few words!"

Si Xian took a deep breath and tried to suppress the raging evil fire in his heart.

Hey, it’s amazing that someone likes it. If he can't afford to offend him, why can't he afford to hide?

Hua Qiqi was particularly happy after successfully defeating Si Xian, who was preparing to compete with her for favor.

The corners of her mouth couldn't help but raise, and she gave him a contemptuous middle finger.

Hua Qiqi looked at Mu Changying attentively, "Sister Ying, let me get your schoolbag."

As the saying goes, good things don't go to outsiders. Of course, such a powerful and exquisite-looking boss must fawn over him as soon as possible.

After all...she still has fresh memories of Sister Ying showing off her skills and teaching Rong Shichu at the MG Bar.

Mu Changying smiled softly, "Little Qiqi is so good~ But the schoolbag is not heavy, I can carry it by myself~"

Hmm... This girl who is like a little bomb and can explode at the drop of a hat suits her very well~

There are so many interesting classmates in the school, and my days in the future will definitely not be too boring.

Hua Qiqi was fascinated by this smile, clasping her hands to cover her little heart.

Oh my God, Sister Ying is so sweet when she smiles. I really want to hold her in my arms and give her a good kneading and kiss.



What's going on? This is simply illogical? !

The other people in Class 7 looked at Hua Qiqi in confusion, completely confused as to why the little witch was so attentive today.

Hua Qiqi usually didn't like anyone, and she would scream at the sky, the ground, and the air when she opened her mouth. Now this appearance really opened their eyes.

"Tell me, did she not take her medicine when she went out today?"

"Fuck, please keep your voice down, haven't you seen Yu Linye's face getting darker and darker?"

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