The Second Master’s Little Ancestor’s Vest Fell To the Ground

Chapter 129 A battle of wits and courage, who is more skilled?

Mu Changying came to the balcony of the corridor.

She leaned on the railing, crossed her legs casually, and looked at the man in front of her with light and soft eyes.

The moment the two people's eyes met, an invisible aura rose around them.

Bai Mo couldn't hold on for a while, and his baby face collapsed successfully.

He sniffed and folded his hands pitifully to beg for mercy, "Madam, you have to believe me, I really didn't come to school to spy on you."

I really came to school just to make my wife’s high school career better.

Mu Changying raised her eyebrows, "Oh? Really?"

If other people heard this ecstatic rising tone, their bodies would have softened into a puddle of spring water.

But Bai Mo didn't dare to have the slightest evil thought, and waited for a lesson, just like Erha who made a huge mistake.

The bad taste in her heart arose, and she stared at the man in front of her silently.

Seeing his anxious look, her mood became even better.

After staring for a minute, Mu Changying looked away, an undercurrent rising in her bright eyes.

She tilted her head and said in distress, " can I believe that you are telling the truth?"

The girl used her innocent face to deceive her opponent, but secretly she was already taking action.

She calmly took out her phone and gently clicked the record button.

When Bai Mo heard this, the big stone in his heart dropped. He stretched out his hand and patted his chest.

"Madam, I swear, I will never interfere in your affairs at school without permission."

He doesn't have the guts to intervene privately, but he can ask the second master for permission before intervening...

Bai Mo turned his head slightly, not wanting to reveal his little thoughts.

A delicate chuckle escaped from Mu Changying's throat, and her innocent little face was stained with a little cunning.

"Xiao Momo, remember what you said~ But it doesn't matter even if you forget, I will take the initiative to remind you."

She raised the phone in her hand, and with a click of her little finger, the exact words he just said were played.


The baby's face was pale and pale, and his eyes were dark and lifeless.

He raised his hands and clasped his head, wailing in pain and confessing, "Madam, I was wrong."

He tried to deceive his wife with words, but he thought it was too simple.

Damn it, you can't steal the chicken but lose the rice. That's his current situation.

Mu Changying walked over and patted Bai Mo on the shoulder, and said sincerely: "It's self-evident who is more skilled, this white-bone spirit or the fledgling Taoist priest."

"Xiao Momo, don't play tricks in front of me next time, otherwise..."

Even his little tricks were not enough for her to play with. If it had been anyone else, she would have chewed him to pieces.

She narrowed her eyes, shook her head helplessly, walked around Bai Mo and walked towards the classroom.

Looking at the girl's leaving figure, Bai Mo suddenly felt a gust of cold wind blowing, and his whole body shivered with coldness.

When a crisis strikes, it feels so unpleasant to feel like your body is frozen.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, "Madam's ability to see into people's hearts is so superb, I'm willing to give in."

"Hey... I suddenly feel that this job has a long way to go..."

Bai Mo was extremely distressed. After resting for two minutes, he adjusted his expression, managed a professional fake smile, and left the balcony with a teacher's airs.

But no matter how difficult the road ahead is, he can't give up easily.

As the first special assistant in the decathlon, this small setback cannot defeat him.

[Assistant Bai: My heart is a little tired...]

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