Mu Changying's displeased face gradually improved, with a faint normal blush.

She slowly picked up a piece of breakfast and chewed it carefully. She glanced around the hall with a bit of doubt, "A Yuan, are you a little Mo Mo?"

Rong Liyuan put down the chopsticks in his hand, his eyes as dark as thick ink filled with a hint of sharpness, "He has gone to work, Yingbao seems to care about him very much?"

The hostility lingering around him has not increased at all, but his eyes that seem to be able to see through the essence of everything make people feel terrified.

Mu Changying puffed up her cheeks, stared angrily, and shook her head, "No, I absolutely didn't."

Oops, the Jealous King is crazy jealous again today. He really can't be offended.

After breakfast, she was about to go upstairs to change into her school uniform when he stopped her.

"You don't have to go to school today. I'll go to the court later to attend the hearing."

Hearing the man's words, Mu Changying was slightly startled, and then the figure of Li Nanfeng popped into her mind, "So it turns out that Lawyer Li came to the house yesterday to talk about this matter~"

Rong Liyuan stretched out his big palm and placed it on her head gently, saying in a soothing tone, "Don't worry, this lawsuit will go smoothly."

Hanzhou Law Firm has only been established for one year, but so far there has been no lawsuit that they cannot win.

The number of lawyers under its banner is very small, but each of them is an elite, invincible on the battlefield, and never loses.

Mu Changying pouted her lips obediently, "I'm not worried at all~"

At first glance, Lawyer Li is a scheming black crow. There is no suspense about whether he will win or lose this lawsuit.

Considering the occasion she would be attending, she chose a more dignified knee-length blue long-sleeved dress.

Putting on a pair of white shoes, she walked around in front of the mirror with satisfaction and then trotted downstairs.

Li Li, who took over Bai Mo's job, saw Mu Changying with a look of respect on her cold face, "Morning, madam."

The lady's appearance looked very gentle and virtuous, and standing with the second master offset a bit of his violent aura.

Mu Changying smiled and raised her hand, shaking it, "Assistant Li Te."

Rong Liyuan stepped forward and hugged her slender Yangliu waist, and gently squeezed the flesh on her waist with his big hands, "Yingbao, let's go."

Well, she was still too thin and almost didn't put on any fat. He had to feed her until she was fat and white.

Originally, Mu Changying was still wondering why she didn't see Lawyer Li, but when she came to the door and saw the figure holding a briefcase, she was instantly puzzled. The person she was in love with had been waiting for a long time.

The group of people got into the car and drove towards the First High Court of Mingdu City.


When they arrived at the court, Li Nanfeng led them through the hall to the elevator in a familiar manner. One look at his posture showed that he was a regular visitor here.


Unfortunately, when they arrived, the elevator door was only a palm's length away from closing.

Regardless of the danger, he reached out to block the door to prevent it from closing without a second thought.

"Lawyer Quan, you must win this lawsuit today..."

The young man who was discussing in the elevator saw someone coming in and subconsciously raised his head to look at the other person's appearance.

When he saw that the people coming were Rong Liyuan and others, Lin Mo's unfinished words were stuck in his throat and he couldn't spit them out.

Damn, we really are enemies on a narrow road!

He cursed secretly in his mind, lowered his head stiffly and moved his body in the corner.

Mu Changying raised her eyebrows, tilted her head and showed a kind smile, "Young Master Lin~"

This soft and waxy voice sounded like a demonic voice calling for life in Lin Mo's ears, and his face suddenly turned green and black.

Damn, your head just went crazy, why did you subconsciously make room?

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