The Second Master’s Little Ancestor’s Vest Fell To the Ground

Chapter 148 You take the money, now let me drive it...

Mu Changying came to the room, took a look at the time, and quickly changed her clothes.

Her hair was tied into a bun, and she wore a white short-sleeved shirt on her upper body, a pair of loose jeans that were easier to move on, and a pair of white sneakers on her feet. She looked cool and youthful.

When she came to the balcony and stood there, looking around to make sure there was no one there, Mu Changying jumped down deftly with a small bag in her hand.

When she was one meter above the ground, she held her little head in her hands and rolled her body forward into the flowers, successfully avoiding the maids who came out to patrol.

"Did you notice that there seemed to be a shadow falling down just now?"

"Where is it, where is it...point quickly!"

"I just saw it clearly. It fell into the white flowers."

When Mu Changying heard their discussion, she quickly held her breath and curled up into a ball.

Realizing that this action was a bit embarrassing, she stretched out her pink tongue and licked her lips, then gently pried away the flowers to escape.

The girl's body was as flexible as a small loach, and she escaped without being damaged by the flowers.

The maids had doubts on their faces, and they came to the flowers laughing and joking.

"Are you dazzled just now? There is nothing here."

"Is it because you have been under too much pressure at work recently and haven't had a good rest, so you are hallucinating?"

Seeing that there was nothing in the flowers, the maid who took the lead showed confusion in her eyes.

It's strange, I saw it just now.

She dug through the flowers and searched around but couldn't find anything. She couldn't help but feel extremely frustrated.

Under everyone's attention, she relaxed and raised her hands to rub her eyes.

Maybe... I'm really dazzled...


Mu Changying escaped from Rong Mansion and put on a mask to cover herself tightly.

At this time, the car she ordered online happened to arrive. She quickly opened the door and jumped in. She pulled out the seat belt with her little hands and fastened it on.

"Master, can I get to the First City Hospital in ten minutes?"

The girl's voice was delicate, soft, and sweet, making people feel like they were soaking in a honey pot, and their whole body was filled with happiness.

The driver frowned in embarrassment, "Little girl... this... I'm afraid this won't work."

"I'll give you more money."

Mu Changying opened her small white bag, took out four red bills and threw them into the driver's seat.

The driver looked at the banknotes with eager eyes and tightened his grip on the steering wheel slightly.

It would take him several trips to earn such a large amount of money, so he would be lying if he said he wasn't excited.

He looked away with great sadness and said in a low voice, "I...I really want to help, but I really can't get to the city hospital in ten minutes."

The journey to the First City Hospital was not far, and it usually took thirty minutes without traffic jams. He was really helpless to shorten so much time all of a sudden.

The red banknotes were placed in front of him but he couldn't take them. His heart clenched together in pain and he could hardly breathe.

"You take the money, now you get out of the car and let me drive."

Mu Changying looked at the configuration of the car, with a hint of satisfaction in her bright eyes.

It's not bad, not great, but it shouldn't break down when running.

"Ah...ah? Oh..."

The driver's mind was in a mess and he blinked his eyes in confusion. He got out of the car and sat on the passenger seat obediently like a puppet.

"Sit tight."

Mu Changying held the steering wheel tightly with one hand, her eyes flashed, and she suddenly stepped on the accelerator.

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