The sensation caused by the appearance of the popular top male in the high school is undoubtedly huge.

Fans surrounded the crowd, the streets were crowded, and the shouts soared into the sky, deafening. If they did not retreat in time, it would most likely cause a serious stampede.

Li Nanxun knew the seriousness of the matter, so he dragged the girl in his arms to dodge around, avoiding countless fans all the way to a street behind the school area.

He lowered his head and stared at the delicate and soft girl, with a pair of peach blossom eyes shimmering, "Girl, you are so well behaved."

When Mu Changying heard the compliment, her small face became shy with a faint layer of powder.

"I have already gotten rid of my fans. Now...can you let me go now?"

As she spoke, she raised her head and looked up at the man in front of her who was much taller than her.

The eyelashes of the man's eyes are thick and slender, the ends of the eyes are slightly upward, and the pupils are hazy. The moment they look at each other, people can't help but feel excited.

This appearance is simply impeccable, no wonder it makes female fans so obsessed with it.

Li Nanxun looked at her red little face, with a hint of teasing in his heart, "Good girl, don't you want to be in close contact with me for a while longer?"

Those female fans all wanted to knock him down and then take advantage of him, but this little girl's reaction was quite unexpected.

Although he said provocative words, the movements of his hands were not out of the ordinary.

Mu Changying blinked in confusion, "Xiao Guo Guo, how do you want to have close contact?"

When the girl smiles, her eyebrows are curved and her little face is tender and cute.

This smile was so pure that Li Nanxun was in a daze for a moment, and a charming figure appeared in his mind.

Seeing him stunned, Mu Changying's eyes darkened, she raised her foot and kicked him in the abdomen, "Well...are you satisfied with this kind of intimate contact?"

Even if he covered her mouth without permission and dragged her away, he still dared to tease her? Bah, you stinky gangster!

The way he avoided the fans just now was so dexterous. It seemed that he was also an expert, and a kick would be regarded as a small lesson.

The girl's feet were very powerful, and when she kicked her suddenly, she felt a chill.

"Good girl? Tsk, tsk, it seems you are not so well-behaved..."

Li Nanxun came to his senses and quickly turned sideways to avoid her attack, the smile on his lips getting stronger.

Mu Changying obviously wanted to vent her anger, but he repeatedly avoided confronting her.

After several moves in a row, she felt annoyed and curled her lips in boredom.

"Xiao Guo Guo, you are not only impatient with your looks, but also impatient with your kung fu."

The girl's nimble and cunning appearance was very endearing. Li Nanxun's eyes were slightly warmer, "Good girl, your rainbow fart is very good."

At this moment, Mu Changying quickly came to him and pulled off his mask.

"Yeah... I've helped you a lot, consider this a gift to me."

She waved the mask with a smile and stuffed it into her bag.

"Xiao Guoguo, I'm going to school, you don't have to thank me too much." As soon as he finished speaking, Mu Changying stepped up his calves and trotted away like a girl.

Looking at her running back, Li Nanxun finally saw what it meant to cut through the black.

Haha... How does she really like that mediocre mask?

Taking off the mask is obviously to put him in danger again after he has just escaped from the pursuit of fans.

Well, she was really a little girl who was determined to retaliate against others, but her personality unexpectedly endeared her to him.

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