As soon as the old witch dean came, the people discussing in the corridor were frightened. They were all taciturn and ran into the classroom with their heads shrunken.

The bustling corridor suddenly became deserted, and the emptiness made people feel desolate.

Lin Hong walked quickly to Mu Changying and looked at the female student in front of her with a gloomy expression, with undisguised disgust on her face.

"Teacher Lin, it seems that your memory is not very good..."

"Gu Hui accepted bribes to modify students' grades. His conduct is poor and he is not worthy of being a teacher. After discussion, the official decided to expel his teaching certificate..."

"By asking me to respect such a despicable person, are you expressing dissatisfaction with the official decision?"

Mu Changying was holding a bottle of water in her hand, leaning lazily on the railing, her eyes slightly narrowed, with a faint cold glow in her pupils.

Taking off this big hat is undoubtedly adding charges to others.

"Smart and sharp-tongued, but full of vicious schemes at such a young age! Gu Hui has been your teacher no matter what, and you should never add insult to injury!"

Lin Hong's thick eyebrows were furrowed, her mouth painted with gaudy lipstick was pursed into a straight line, and she stared at the girl in front of her with a mean look on her face, filled with an aggressive fighting spirit.

No matter how miserable Gu Hui was, he was still her husband. How could it be this cheap girl's turn to insult him?

Mu Changying pursed her lips and smiled, "Teacher Lin, I am not adding insult to injury, but I am preparing to beat up the drowned dog..."

Gu Hui, a scumbag with evil intentions, dared to spy on her. This alone was enough to kill him!

She looked down lazily at the mineral water in her hand, unscrewed the bottle cap with her little hands, and then poured it on Gu Hui who was standing below with a soft smile.


The water flow formed a small curtain of water in the air, and then poured on the man's head in a beautiful arc.

"Didi didi——"

Gu Hui was unable to dodge, and the wig he was wearing suffered damage and became wet and stuck to his head. A sticky feeling came and goosebumps appeared on his arms.

"You little bitch, you're looking for death!"

His face was as dark as if it had been smudged by thick ink, and he was bursting with anger. He gritted his teeth tightly and strode up the steps.

This damn poor woman attacked him again and again. She simply trampled his face on the ground and rubbed it wantonly.

If he didn't teach her a lesson today, wouldn't he lose face?

Gu Hui came to the corridor angrily, raised his hand and was about to pinch Mu Changying's neck.

The veins on his hands popped out, and the blood vessels were clearly visible, as if they would burst and flow with bright red blood in the next second.

The man's fingers were slightly bent, and there was a strong wind in his hand. Just when he was about to approach Mu Changying, she used the strength of her feet to avoid it with a dexterous movement of her body.

"Teacher Gu..."

When the two passed by, she lightly opened her delicate red lips and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear, "Don't worry... you will definitely be the one seeking death..."

As soon as she finished speaking, she raised her right hand, put her five fingers together and slashed across the back of Gu Hui's neck!


The palm of his hand hit the fragile neck. Gu Hui felt the muscles of his body go numb for a moment, and the expression on his face became more ferocious.

His eyes were red with pain, and his pupils were stained with bloodshot eyes.

Gu Hui tore off the tie that was in the way and clenched his right hand into a fist, "You little bitch, how dare you beat the teacher? I will teach you how to behave today!"


Lin Hong watched coldly as the strong man fought against the delicate girl, with an expression of indifference and no intention of stopping her.

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