The truck driver didn't think much and speeded up to catch up. Just when he was about to hit the truck, the black Land Rover suddenly accelerated in the direction of the railing and then successfully drifted into the wide avenue.


The truck was going too fast and its body was too heavy. It was about to hit the railing.

The driver's face was as pale as a sheet, sweat dripping from his forehead, and he immediately pulled the brakes in panic.


The tires skidded due to excessive braking, and the large truck trembled violently on the ground and then overturned!

The car rolled several times and hit the railing next to it.

The railing broke instantly and the car fell into the river below.

At the moment of falling, the driver was thrown out and fell to the ground from a high altitude.


At this time, a bullet penetrated the sky from the building at the five o'clock direction and came with a strong wind.

The metal bullet hit the driver's head, and his mind bloomed like a beautiful and enchanting flower. Countless scarlet blood splashed in the air and dripped on the ground.


The sound of the driver falling to the ground was buried by the sound of the truck falling into the river, and it did not cause a big sensation for a while.


"Huhuhu, finally saved!"

"Oh my god, I have been comfortable for too long. I haven't enjoyed this kind of thing for a long time."

After successfully getting rid of the big truck, Bai Mo in the back seat stretched out his hand and patted his chest, exhaling a breath of thick air.

Oh my god, the cooperation between the wife and the second master is so good, they are perfect!

Before he could blow the rainbow fart, a metal bullet flew and hit the Land Rover's door crookedly.

The sniper didn't seem to expect that the shot would go wrong, so he aimed again at the person in the driver's seat and prepared for a headshot.


This time, the bullet directly broke the window. If it weren't for the previous shot, Rong Liyuan would have been hit.

The sniper has the upper hand while they are in the car.

He frowned, quickly picked up his phone to send a text message to Li Li, and then unbuckled his seat belt.

"Yingbao, hold me tight!"

"Don't be afraid, you have to believe that I will protect you with my life."

The car is no longer safe and needs to be moved immediately.

Mu Changying unbuckled her seat belt and wrapped her small hands tightly around his waist.

"A Yuan, you are not afraid of Yingying."

Her eyes were firm, her face was as rosy as a ripe apple, and there was no trace of fear at all.

This calm look made Rong Liyuan chuckle and stroke the top of her hair with his big hand.

"Be good, close your eyes, this matter will be over soon."

"No, I want to watch A Yuan lead me out of danger."

Her little hands wrapped around his waist, her little face slightly raised, and her eyes looked at him wholeheartedly.

Rong Liyuan let out a sigh of satisfaction and then jumped out of the window resolutely holding her in his arms.


The car window was shattered, and countless fragments emitted dazzling light under the sunlight.

Two hugging figures jumped out of the car. The girl's headband fell off, and her black hair fluttered in the wind.

The tips of her hair touched the tip of his nose, and the faint fragrance made him feel peaceful for a moment.


The sniper on the high-rise building did not expect that the target would jump out of the car. He was stunned for a moment, then quickly moved his direction and sniped again.

The bullet streaked across the sky, its delicate reflection appearing on the transparent fragments.

"Yingbao, hold me tighter."

Rong Moyuan held the girl in his arms and used his body as a cushion to prevent her from being injured when she fell to the ground.

He protected her and rolled several times, narrowly avoiding the other party's series of shots in anger.

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