The Second Master’s Little Ancestor’s Vest Fell To the Ground

Chapter 196 Young Master Jin whose IQ is in arrears

His angular face was clouded, as if it had been smudged by thick ink, and the violent anger overflowing from his body made the bosses next to him feel particularly uneasy.

Under the surprised and puzzled eyes of a group of them, Rong Liyuan strode towards the opposite side.


Mu Changying's body trembled when she heard the man's irritable roar, and her sassy little face quickly darkened.

Damn, this trash man made her owe nothing!

Before she could get rid of Jin Xieye, a man with a cruel and violent aura came to her side.

" really don't have a long memory!"

Rong Suyuan grabbed Jin Xueye's tie, clenched his fist and suddenly smashed it into that fair face!


This fast and fierce punch hit the person's face with great pain, and it seemed that the facial bones were about to be smashed and cracked.

Jin Xieye was hit so hard that he was dazed for a moment. When he came back to his senses, his bruised face showed a ferocious look.

"Second Master Rong, as the leader of the Rong family, don't you feel ashamed to attack me in public?"

"I'm warning you, don't go too far. I, the Jin family, are not easy to bully in Mingdu City!"

Take action as soon as he comes up, even the famous Mr. Rong can do nothing more than that!

This clamoring voice made Rong Moyuan frown slightly, and the turbulent dark color in his cold eyes became more intense, making people feel as if they had fallen into a polar glacier.

"Oh? Ashamed? It seems that I will have to talk to your father about your education another day."

He glanced at the young man coldly, then took out a tissue and wiped the place where Mu Changying had just been held, picked her up and walked out of the hotel.

"Ayuan... let me go quickly, I can leave by myself!"

Oh my god, it’s too embarrassing to be hugged by a princess in front of so many people.

She leaned in his broad arms and felt his strong heartbeat, and her fair and pretty face suddenly turned red.

"Yingbao, if you're tired from walking, I'll just hold you."

Rong Liyuan stared deeply at her delicate face, with a hint of anger and helplessness in his unfathomable eyes.

He believed that she would not continue to be entangled with Jin Xieye, so today it was that wild man who took the initiative to seduce Yingbao!

What should she do to hide her advantages from others?

Rong Liyuan paused for a moment as he passed several CEOs.

"The contract matters are as agreed. I will not participate in today's dinner."

This is the big benefactor. Now that he has made a decision, how can they dare to say "no"?

Several CEOs were horrified, but they maintained polite smiles on their lips.

"Second Master, if you have something to do, please leave immediately. We won't force you to stay."

"Although the dishes at Mingyuan Hotel are quite unique, what kind of delicacies have you not tried before? It's nothing to miss this meal. If you are lucky, we will treat you again another day."

Rong Liyuan just informed them and had no intention of asking.


His sexy lips tightened into a cold straight line, and he walked out of the Mingyuan Hotel with the girl in his arms.

Watching his back disappear from sight, a group of people immediately cast their gossipy eyes on Jin Xieye.

"This kid looks a bit familiar. I seem to have seen him somewhere."

"This is the eldest young master of the Jin family. Recently, he has been learning how to manage the company with his old man. The old guy has taken him to several business gatherings. Are you not familiar with it?"

"Oh, that's it. No wonder. But I think this person's brain is not very good. If he inherits the family business, won't he bankrupt the Jin family?"

The suddenly enlightened man looked at the embarrassed young man opposite him and rolled his eyes speechlessly.

This guy definitely has a poor IQ. Otherwise, how could he touch Erye Rong's woman?

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