Chapter 199 This is a human job

Mingyuan Hotel, VIP suite.

Li Nanfeng inserted the USB flash drive into the computer screen and the latest video appeared on the screen.

He watched the videos of the past two days, his hand holding the mouse gradually tightened, and his crimson lips pressed into a cold straight line.

However... when he saw Mu Changying appearing in the lobby in the video, there were obvious ripples in his eyes under the lenses.

If I remember correctly... Mrs. Rong is also studying in the college campus.

After watching the video and the information about the girl in it, after excluding it, only her personality was the most similar to Yiyi's.

However... these are just guesses and not enough evidence.

"I remember Monday is the joint school sports meeting. This is a perfect opportunity to try it out."

Li Nanfeng's slender and well-jointed index finger gently pushed the frame, then pulled out the USB flash drive and walked towards Li Zhiyi's room.

The joint school sports meeting in Mingdu City is quite special because major universities include e-sports under the category of sports.

Yiyi's computer skills are very good, and her game skills and tactics are also very good.

The second child is an expert in this area. He is most familiar with Yiyi's unique operations and skills. It is safe for him to test this area.


As time went by, the sky gradually darkened.

Mu Changying nestled in the man's arms. She was so tired that her whole body ached and she couldn't even move her fingers.

She closed her eyes obediently, her long and slightly curled eyelashes trembled slightly, and a few sleepy sounds came out of her pink mouth.

"Yingbao, we're home."

"I know you worked hard today. How about you finish your meal before going to bed?"

Rong Moyuan's strong and strong arms held the drowsy girl in his arms and walked towards the house.

He carried her into the house, and his soft and doting voice seemed to float on the top of people's hearts.

This tone was gentle and gentle that no one had ever heard before. The servants around him raised their eyes and glanced curiously, and lowered their heads in unison when they saw the person in his arms.

Sure enough, the tenderness of the second master is always reserved for his wife!

"Huh? Oh...we're already home~"

"I happen to be hungry too..."

Mu Changying's little head gently rubbed his chest, her eyelashes fluttered and she opened her sleepy eyes.

She jumped out of his arms, put her small white hands on her belly and rubbed it, and then trotted towards the dining table with her long straight legs.


Oh my god, Madam is so cute!

The sassy outfit and Pipian's cute running posture don't look out of place at all.

Rong Liyuan noticed the heated gazes of everyone and the suppressed smile on his lips, and a hint of displeasure filled his body.

But when his eyes fell on Mu Changying, that little bit of gloom disappeared into nothing.

"Yingbao, run slower, don't fall."

"A Yuan, I know, I know..."

Mu Changying ran to the table without looking back and sat down, nodding her head lightly.

To be honest, after working hard all afternoon, her stomach was empty and her belly was almost starving.


As the chief steward of Rong Mansion, Butler Sun has some understanding of the second master's emotions.

He raised his calloused right hand and waved it, with disgust in his eyes.

"Go, go, you don't need to serve here anymore, get down quickly."

Don't get in the way here. It would be even worse if it gets in the eyes of the second master.


After a group of people went down, Rong Liyuan strode over and picked up Mu Changying who had just picked up the chopsticks.

"Yingbao, you haven't washed your hands yet..."


The girl's forehead was covered with black lines, and her beautiful eyes were full of resentment.

She had fed him well just now, but now he disliked her? Is this a human job?

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