The Second Master’s Little Ancestor’s Vest Fell To the Ground

Chapter 223 Women’s Three Thousand Meter Long Distance Run

The person in charge of camera number two also realized that the little fairy didn't like being photographed, but when such a beautiful girl appears in the camera, the ratings will definitely increase.

He controlled the machine and prepared to take a few more shots, when the chief director's angry curses came from his earbuds.

"You little turtle grandson, do you want to kill me? Quickly cut the lens open!"

"Director, this...I am trying to increase the ratings..."

The man looked a little pale and glanced at the woman next to him who was exuding a chill. "The ratings are shit, get out of here!"

Ratings? If you offend the Rong family, you won’t even know when your life will be lost, and the ratings are shit! ——

The camera finally moved away, and the coldness in Mu Changying's pupils dissipated a bit.

If he doesn't move away, she won't mind finding a way to teach this guy how to behave~

After the opening ceremony, the sports events began one after another.

Mu Changying's white little hands were flipping through the comics in her hands, when a very familiar voice sounded on the radio.

"Please ask Mu Changying, a student from Class 37 of Qingjin High School who is participating in the women's 3,000-meter long-distance race, to get in position quickly!"

"Please ask Mu Changying, a student from Class 37 of Qingjin High School who is participating in the women's 3,000-meter long-distance race, to get in position quickly!"

Holy shit!

Before she could worry, Hua Qiqi, who was sitting next to her, slapped her thigh and stood up angrily, "Oh my god, what is going on?"

Sister Ying didn't sign up for the sports meeting at all, okay? This three-thousand-meter long-distance race sounds like a ghost!

Three thousand meters?

There was no wave in Mu Changying's eyes, and the calmness was strangely strange.

"I'll just participate."

A soft smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, she put down the comic in her hand and patted her dress gently with her little hands.

There's a ghost here~ You don't have to guess who is behind the scenes.

Ha... the voice that sounded on the radio just now was Gu Qingyun's.

Radio host? Spring flowers, spring flowers, they are quite versatile after coming to Mingdu City.

You have learned your talent well, but why is your heart becoming more and more vicious?

She remembered that Gu Hui's wife, who was expelled, was the dean of students. With her power, it wouldn't be difficult to do things like this in secret.

"Sister Ying, this is three thousand meters!"

It’s not a fifty-meter sprint, nor a two-hundred-meter sprint, but a full three thousand meters. Running at this level will make you exhausted!

Hua Qiqi's anxious forehead was covered with a thin layer of sweat.

She kicked the stone bench next to her with anger on her face.


The thickness of the shoes could not withstand this wave of attacks. There was a pain in her toes, and she gasped with a ferocious look on her face.

Mu Changying stretched out her little hand and pinched Hua Qiqi's wrinkled face, "Don't be anxious, don't worry, just trust me."

Her voice is soft and sweet, but it has a convincing firmness that makes people dare not underestimate her.

Hua Qiqi's mouth was pursed tightly, and her eyes were full of worry.

She raised her eyes and saw the deep eyes of the girl in front of her. Her irritable mind seemed to have found solace and gradually became calmer.

Seeing that her mood had stabilized, Mu Changying stuffed her schoolbag into her arms, "Xiao Qiqi, I'm going to the competition, you have to watch my schoolbag~"

There is a laptop in the schoolbag, and a lot of information inside is extremely important.

Although a password is required to open it, it is better to leave it to someone you trust for safekeeping.

Hua Qiqi hugged the schoolbag in her arms tightly and nodded her head vigorously, "Yes, yes, I will!"

Time was almost wasted, Mu Changying tucked the loose hair behind her ears, turned around and walked towards the audience.

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