The Second Master’s Little Ancestor’s Vest Fell To the Ground

Chapter 225 You deliberately isolate yourself and use violent words...

"You hit me?"

"You're the one I'm beating!"

Fu Zixian, who was also wearing Qingjin sportswear, waved the little hand he had just slapped and looked at the girl in front of him with a sarcastic face.

"Trash, a guy with a bad mouth like you should be taught a lesson!"

Her eyebrows were raised slightly, and an arrogant aura lingered around her, and the aura of a school girl was vividly displayed.

"You're going too far when you beat someone upright at a sports meeting!"

The girl who was slapped was wearing a Bogao school uniform, with five finger prints clearly visible on her wheat-colored face. It was obvious at a glance that the person who slapped her had used all his strength.

Huang Xiyue covered the side of her face with one hand, looking at the arrogant girl in front of her with wide eyes in disbelief, the anger burning in her eyes getting stronger and stronger.

"Hey, what's going on with you?"

"Ah, I understand, Qing Jin's student. Are you and that little coquettish fox the same thing? That's why we can't bear to hear us scold her."

"The quality of Qingjin's students is really not that good. I'm going to report you right now so you can't compete!"

Seeing their companion being beaten, this group of girls quickly gathered together to besiege Fu Zixian.

They folded their arms in front of their chests and uttered a series of curse words at the touch of their lips.

These sarcastic words were really harsh. The grumpy Fu Zixian's face looked extremely stinking, and it was so dark that it seemed like it was stained with thick ink.

"If you say one more thing, do you believe I will slap your mouths to bits?!" She crossed her legs, clasped her hands together and moved her joints, making a creaking sound from her bones.

The deep cold sound frightened several girls, but they quickly suppressed their uneasiness due to the strength of the crowd.

Eight people gathered in a group and glared at the girl in front of them, gnashing their teeth as if they wanted to peel her skin off.

Mu Changying slowly came to a group of people, "Xiao Xianxian, they are so thick-skinned, it will hurt your little hands if you slap your mouth to pieces~"

She stretched out her little hand to push the girl in front of her away and then walked to the surrounded Fu Zixian, "Come, let me see if your little hand is injured."

The girl's voice was so crisp and sweet that it felt like a warm current surged up in your heart.

The school bully who was originally full of aggression changed her face when she saw the person coming, and immediately transformed into a well-behaved and good student.

"Little fairy, Xiaoyingying, did I perform well just now?" Fu Zixian came to the girl's side, obediently stretched out her right hand and raised her chin to ask for praise proudly.

Mu Changying's eyebrows softened, "You performed well."

She took Fu Zixian's little hand and looked at it carefully. When she saw that it was not injured, she put it to her lips and blew gently.

Warm breath sprayed on the sensitive palm, and a faint itching came over him.

This heartwarming scene made the faces of several girls watching turn pale, and their faces were uncontrollably twisted with ferocity.

Damn it, are they completely ignored?

Huang Xiyue was so angry that her heart was clogged, and she pointed at the two people in front of her with trembling fingers, "You two little hooves..."

Before she finished speaking, her pointing index finger was held by a soft little hand.

Mu Changying's eyes were crooked, and he looked directly into her eyes with a sweet smile, "There are eight cameras recording today's sports meeting. If the trouble continues, you will deliberately isolate us, and the scene of verbal violence against us will be recorded~"

The strength of her hold on the other person's finger suddenly increased, "If it is broadcasted...will you and your school be discredited?"

The bones of the index finger were pinched so tightly that the knuckles seemed about to break.

Huang Xiyue felt a sharp pain and couldn't help but grinned and gasped.

[Today’s quota is four thousand, and it was updated early. Hahahaha, am I awesome? (Hehehe...smirk)]

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