The Second Master’s Little Ancestor’s Vest Fell To the Ground

Chapter 249 They are just trying to get along with each other

"A Yuan...A Yuan...I didn't want to commit suicide, I really just wanted to slide to the other side..."

Mu Changying's eyes were filled with a thin layer of mist, and there was a strong cry in her voice.


Looking at the two people embracing each other in front of him, Li Nanfeng, who had always been decisive in court, had sour eyes.

Deep sadness flowed in his heart, and his eyes were filled with distress when he looked at the back of her hand that was scratched by the wall.

Sister, this is my sister, looking for my sister across two time and space!

"Yiyi, your hand is injured, can my brother give you a blowjob?"

"When you were injured when you were a child, you would always come over and ask Third Brother to blow you off."

A thin layer of mist appeared in Li Nanxun's eyes, which were filled with hazy luster. His disgusting gentleness made people's hearts turmoil just by looking at him.

"Little sister...Second brother finally found you. I said I would take you home."

Li Zhiyi's rough face softened, and his magnetic low voice softened, as if he was afraid of disturbing the girl in front of him.

He looked at Mu Changying with such deep eyes, as if he was afraid that she would disappear in the next second.

The three brothers walked towards the two people sitting on the ground, but their hands were interrupted before they even touched a strand of the girl's hair.

"Go away, this is my wife!"

Rong Liyuan raised his head and glanced at the people in front of him with his cold and vicious eyes.

This is his tassel, a treasure that belongs to him alone. Where can these people get their hands on it casually?

"My Yiyingbao has no other brothers or sisters. Are you trying to get into trouble?"

He tightened his hold on Mu Changying's waist.

"A Yuan...yes, yes, I am yours."

"Don't worry, no one can take me away, and I won't follow anyone."

Her little face wrinkled into a ball, and she endured the pain and inserted her hands into his soft hair.

He is sensitive and suspicious, and his paranoia has been integrated into his blood. It is impossible to calm down when this happens.

"They are just flirting with each other, can you just ignore them?"

Her little hand slid sideways from his hair to his face, her white and tender fingertips caressing his handsome face.




There is no harm without comparison. The girl's affectionate confession made the three brothers of the Li family feel sour in their hearts.

Although he knew that Yiyi didn't remember it, he still couldn't help but feel uncomfortable when he heard this.

Li Li: "..."

What's going on, sister? When did Madam have a brother?

She noticed the strange atmosphere at the scene, and did not dare to look between the few people. She lowered her head silently and looked at the tips of her shoes.

"A Yuan..."

Mu Changying ignored the weird atmosphere at the scene and slid her small hand from his face to his thin lips to rub it.

Her fingers were actually stained with a little dust, but even so Rong Suyuan didn't feel disgusted at all.

He looked at her with eyes full of morbid obsession, madness and humble uneasiness hidden deep down.


Seeing that the man's strength in hugging Yiyi did not decrease, Li Zhiyi frowned.


His heart felt heavy, and he licked his lips lightly with his tongue before striding forward and forcefully separating the two of them.


Mu Changying stumbled and was pulled up.

Li Zhiyi protected her behind him, his rough face full of nervousness.

"Yiyi, are you okay? Does it hurt?"

The girl in his arms was pulled away, and the feeling of emptiness made Rong Liyuan's suppressed anger burst out!

"you wanna die!"

[The miracle doctor Chang Ning’s horse-falling: I never expected it

Hacker K's horse-flipping: Yingbao, look back at me...

Miss Li’s falling horse: Yiyi, brothers, don’t think about it if there’s something you didn’t do well!]

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