The Second Master’s Little Ancestor’s Vest Fell To the Ground

Chapter 266 The yandere sister protects the short brother

"Cough cough cough... let go... let go..."

Wang Shi's eyes widened and he looked at the girl in front of him in disbelief.

How could this petite little body contain so much power?

The air seemed to become thinner, and he struggled to breathe and his face turned the color of pig liver.

His body kept twisting to get out of the predicament in front of him, but the more he struggled, the stronger the force on his neck became.

"If you have the guts to take secret photos... then you have to live to bear my anger~"

"Speaking of have really embarrassed all your paparazzi."

Mu Changying pressed her body against the wall in the corner, the smile on her lips deepening.

She was obviously smiling, but the aura around her was extremely cold.

A strange, strong sense of oppression came over him endlessly, and dense beads of sweat broke out on his forehead.

"He was caught so easily. He is really a useless piece of trash."

Mu Changying showed her big white teeth, a dazzling smile, and her clear pupils were watery.

And yet...beneath the calm surface, the water is turbulent.

The strength in her hands continued to increase, and she looked at the painfully twisted face of the man in front of her with a smile.

Wang Shi felt a pain in his neck, "I...I will hand over what I secretly photographed..."

His face was twisted, and the eyes he looked at the person in front of him were still so angry, as if they had been tempered with poison.

Damn it, damn it, why was a little girl caught on film?

"Yiyi, my brother is keeping watch for you, have you had enough fun?"

Li Zhiyi paced up to catch up.

He put one hand in his pocket, and there was a serious look on his wild and untamed face, as if what he was doing was important.

Mu Changying tilted her little head and thought, "Well... I've almost had enough fun~"

Life is so boring, and it’s rare for a little mouse to come to your doorstep. How can you let him go so easily?

Li Zhiyi glanced at Wang Shi and said, "Yiyi, keep playing."

The third guy is really eye-catching. Even if he puts on a disguise, he can't hide it from the eyes of the paparazzi.

Secretly filming his brother and sister?

This dog is so fucking courageous!

Mu Changying's eyes lit up, "Thank you, second brother."

This second brother is becoming more and more to her liking.

"Uh huh... I... I was wrong... You adults, please let me go... I will never dare to do it next time..."

Wang Shi looked at the two people in front of him, his eyes blurred and he felt that his future was gloomy.

This is simply a pair of devils, lunatics, and lunatics!

"Try staring again. Are you looking for death?"

Sensing the man's venomous gaze, Li Zhiyi's face overflowed with evil intent, and he raised his foot and kicked Wang Shi in the abdomen.

If the photos taken are leaked, Yiyi will definitely be attacked by Laosan's fanatic fans.

The third child's stardom will also be affected to some extent by this scandal.

" hurts..."

Wang Shi was pressed against the wall, feeling a pain in his abdomen.

The man's kick was obviously done with all his strength, and he felt a cramping pain in his internal organs.

Mu Changying blinked her big, watery eyes, "It hurts? It hurts, that's right~"

The sweet and soft voice was like a death song from the devil. At this moment, Wang Shi regretted provoking these two people.

She pulled the camera off Wang Shi's body with her small hands.

"Remember this pain, it will be a thousand times more painful next time."

Get the camera, delete the photos inside, make sure they are completely deleted, and then throw it on the ground.

She loosened her grip on the man's neck, and his body went limp and fell to the ground weakly.

"There's a price to pay for doing bad things."

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