Bai Mo quickly left and came back, carrying a medical kit in his hand.

Fu Huaizheng was about to step forward and open the box, but the person next to him took action first.

Mu Changying quickly took out the needed medicines and tools.

She put her fingers on Li Nanfeng's pulse, then put on her gloves and started dispensing the medicine.

Fu Huaizheng's eyes widened and he quickly reached out to stop him, "Hey, hey, don't mess around."

What kind of situation is this, leaving him alone as a doctor without having to prepare his own medicine?

Bai Mo blinked his eyes in confusion as well.

He knew that Madam would be able to deal with some wounds, but this should be quite difficult.

Mu Changying ignored Fu Huaizheng, and the movements of dispensing medicine in his hands were so fast that it was dizzying.

The syringe sucks the medicine into it, and gently squeezes out a small amount of water while holding the syringe.

There was a serious look on her soft white face, and she looked at Li Nanfeng's body.

"Rong Xiaoer, this might really kill someone..."

"This is a living life, not a guinea pig used in experiments!"

Fu Huaizheng rubbed his swollen forehead and looked at the man blocking him angrily.

It's okay to dote on your wife, but it's a bit crazy to dote on her with such disregard for human life.

"I believe in Yingbao."

Rong Liyuan stood in front of Fu Huaizheng, and Feng Qingyundan's words almost made him vomit blood.

He turned his head to look at Mu Changying who was busy, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.


This guy was hopeless, so Fu Huaizheng decisively gave up persuading him.

He focused his gaze on the man opposite him and spoke earnestly.

"This...Lawyer Li, it's better not to make a joke about your life safety."

Li Nanfeng raised his head, his smile still polite and distant, "I believe Yiyi."

Li Nanxun and Li Zhi, who were sitting next to them, realized that someone dared to question their sister, and glared at Fu Huaizheng with ferocious eyes.

"Shut up!"

"This unknown doctor, we all believe that Yiyi will not let anything happen to our eldest brother."

The cold and gleaming eyes made people's hearts skip a beat, and the nerves in their brains ached faintly.

"Don't worry, Dr. Fu, I will never let anything happen to my patient."

The anger in Mu Changying's heart had long since dissipated.

As Li Nanfeng wished, her mood fluctuated violently, sour and touching.

With a hint of distress in her eyes, she took out a bottle of medicine from the medicine box after injecting the medicine into his body.

He unscrewed it with his little hands, picked up the cotton swab, rolled it around, lifted Li Nanfeng's clothes, and wiped his back.

Fu Huaizheng: "..."

I was tired and didn’t want to persuade him anymore, so I was ready to call an ambulance.

"Yingbao, I can do this little thing."

Rong Liyuan left Fu Huaizheng, strode over to Mu Changying and took the cotton swab from her hand.

How could Yingbao do such a trivial matter with no operational difficulty?

Li Nanfeng said, "It's really an honor for you to condescend to me."

This is a critical moment, and it is impossible for this person to do something stupid that is detrimental to him.

Since there is someone to take care of you, why not?


Mu Changying handed over the potion in his hand, but the bottle was snatched away in mid-air.

Li Nanxun held the medicine bottle in his hand and took out another cotton swab from the medicine box.

There was a bright smile in his eyes, "Brother, I'm here to honor you!"

Impressed? Very touching? He rescued his eldest brother from this evil-minded guy.

Li Zhiyi: I didn’t see it, you idiot. I really don’t know how you managed to survive in the entertainment industry.

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