"Ayuan, it's very light. I can just hold it myself."

Mu Changying looked at the soft little bug in the bottle, with the corners of her mouth raised slightly.


Seeing her insistence, Rong Liyuan glanced at the little Gu insect, his pupils filled with cold anger.

"Yingbao, go back and rest."

She signed up to participate in tomorrow's e-sports event, so she couldn't help but recharge her batteries.

Mu Changying blinked her eyelashes lightly, with a trace of tiredness on her face, "It's okay if you don't tell me, A Yuan. I feel really sleepy once you tell me."

She had participated in two sports meets today with her untrained body, and now she felt a little exhausted when she calmed down.

The two of them returned to the room from the dungeon hand in hand. Mu Changying placed the weak little Gu insect on the computer table, climbed into the soft big bed and fell asleep.

The night was silent, and the little Gu insect imprisoned in the transparent bottle slowly woke up.

Its body was limp and its green eyes exuded an angry glare.

The little Gu insect opened its mouth slightly, "Zhizhi..."

In a strange environment without the familiar smell of blood, it felt extremely uncomfortable, its little body twisting like a twist.

"Zhizhi...zhi?" What is this?

Suddenly, it smelled a faint smell, and its tentacles twitched listlessly.

The little Gu insect kept twisting and turning, trying with all its strength to break out of this nasty cage.


The bottle was already at the edge of the table, but with such force, it fell from mid-air onto the soft carpet.

Its little mouth opened and closed, making a sound as thin as a mosquito, and its body curled up into a ball and rolled around in the bottle.

The small transparent bottle moved on the ground at a speed comparable to a snail.

After walking a short distance, a layer of sweat overflowed from the little Gu insect's dark skin.

"Squeak...squeak..." It's getting closer, getting closer to that smell.

After walking for about ten minutes, the little bug finally crawled to the cloakroom. It lay in the bottle and gasped for air.

The space is closed, and the small bottle is like a stove. The burning feeling makes it a little uncomfortable.

"Huh? It's strange. I seemed to have seen a flash of green light just now?"

Fu Jiaojiao, who was still asleep in the fish tank, blinked her big eyes, came out of the water and lay on the fish tank.

He looked around and fixed his gaze on the ground.

The little Gu insect noticed that someone was looking at it and raised its little head to face him.

The four eyes faced each other, one blue and one green eyes emitting a faint light.

Fu Jiaojiao held her chin in surprise, "Hey... who are you? Why do your eyes shine?"

"Although your eyes are also bright, the color is not as beautiful as mine."

When the little Gu insect heard this, he fluttered his tentacles in confusion, his eyes full of confusion.

"Zhizhi? Zhizhizhi?" What was she saying? How could it not understand?

Fu Jiaojiao lowered her voice, "Little Chongzi, you were sent by the fairy sister to accompany me, right?"

She was so bored staying alone in the cloakroom. It was really nice for the Fairy Sister to send her a playmate at this time.


She smells so good, I really want to get into her body and absorb the warm blood.

The little Gu worm swallowed his saliva and wriggled his body closer to the fish tank.

After going through all kinds of hardships to get to the bottom of the fish tank, I found that it couldn't touch the other party at all.

The little Gu bug widened his eyes angrily, "Huhuhu...squeak..."

"Little insect, Crab, are you willing to make me happy?" Fu Jiaojiao lowered her head, with a pleasant smile in her eyes.

This little thing looks really ugly.

However... seeing that it was sent by the fairy sister, I reluctantly let it stay and play with her.

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