The Second Master’s Little Ancestor’s Vest Fell To the Ground

Chapter 296 Chunhua’s methods are still not good enough

Rong Shichu looked at the direction Mu Changying and Gu Qingyun were leaving, with undisguised anxiety in his pupils.

What method did this little bitch use to charm Yun'er?


Li Zhiyi's rough brows had a gloomy look, and he walked straight towards Rong Shichu with one hand in his pocket.

When the two of them passed each other, his shoulder hit the other person's arm hard and vaguely.


Rong Shichu's face turned pale and he groaned in pain.

Before the pain had even eased, Li Nanxun, who was following closely behind, hit the same spot again.

Turning away, he patted his shoulder calmly, as if he had touched something dirty.

The smile on his lips deepened, and his deep eyebrows caused the audience who had not left the stage to scream again and again.


Qingjin School Gate.

A black Bentley was parked in front of the school. Standing in front of the car was a middle-aged woman who was fashionably dressed and well-kept.

She was wearing a white dress and carrying a high-end custom-made crocodile bag.

"Yun'er, this way."

Gu Qingyun let go of Mu Changying's little hand, quickened her pace and trotted into the other person's arms.

She held the woman's waist with both hands and raised her head with an innocent look on her face.

"Mom, your dress today is really simple and beautiful. If you don't know, you might think we are a pair of sisters."

"You, you sweet talker, your brother must have led you astray."

Tan Wan'an said words of condemnation, but his eyes were full of endearment.


Mu Changying looked at the warm picture of a loving mother and a filial son in front of her, with tiny ripples appearing in her eyes like stagnant water.

Time has never failed to defeat a beauty. This woman has excellent appearance, graceful temperament, and natural nobility in every move she makes.

Even after two lifetimes, Mu Changying still remembered the other party's arrogant expression announcing that she would only have two daughters in her life.

One is the fake daughter who has been raised for seventeen years, and the other is Gu Qingyun who was later found and raised by her side.

Even if she learned that Gu Qingyun was not her biological child, she would not change her original intention. Instead, she regarded her as her biological daughter as a thorn in his flesh and wished to get rid of her as soon as possible.

There was a sharp look in Mu Changying's eyes, and she opened her lips slightly and murmured in a low voice, "Huh... Chunhua's methods are not very good~"

Do you think she will be heartbroken if you show your mother-daughter affection in front of her? Haha, I really thought too much.

Gu Qingyun released her little hand from Tan Wan'an's waist, "By the way, mom, let me introduce to you. This is my best friend, Mu Changying."

"Hello, classmate Mu, I am Yun'er's mother."

Tan Wan'an glanced at the girl in front of him, and the smile in his eyes was a bit perfunctory.

This girl is so beautiful, she would definitely remember her if she had seen her.

There is no such person in my mind. He seems to be just an ordinary person with an ordinary status.

Poor people have too many bad habits, and her precious daughter doesn't know if they will be led astray.

Mu Changying suppressed the cold glare in her eyes and lightly raised her eyelids, "Hello, Mrs. Gu."

Her attitude is neither humble nor arrogant, and her coldness is filled with just the right amount of social politeness, making it impossible for anyone to find fault even if they want to.

This etiquette didn't seem to come from ordinary people. Tan Wan'an was surprised for a moment.

"Yun'er has been pampered by me, I hope you can bear with me a little more."

"Mrs. Gu is overly worried. Yun'er is very popular in school."

Seeing that Mu Changying was not crazy, Gu Qingyun felt uneasy.

Her face was slightly red, "Mom, I obviously have a good temper."

Seeing her daughter's appearance, Tan Wan'an felt a burst of joy and nodded in agreement.

"Okay, daughter has a good temper."

Being teased like this, Lu Qingyun's face turned even redder, and she opened the car door with a groan and got in.

Tan Wanan's heart was full of the daughter she had finally found. She said goodbye in a hurry and got in the car.

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