Li Nanxun: "..."

Being flanked by the two singing and singing, the corners of his eyes twitched slightly, he raised his hand to put down the black hat on his head, and shrugged helplessly.

Okay, isn’t it just taking care of the housework? How could this little thing bother him?

Li Nanfeng straightened his clothes and pushed the frame on the bridge of his nose with his sharp-jointed index finger, "Since you have no objection, get in the car quickly."

Otherwise, if those girlfriend fans discover the third child, they will block the road again.



Hua Qiqi followed closely and rushed to the school gate. She looked around but did not find Mu Changying, and couldn't help but have a hint of anxiety in her eyes.

Gu Qingyun, that little Bailian, wouldn't do anything bad to Sister Ying, right?

She frowned and wandered back and forth at the door worriedly.


Yu Linye, who walked out of the campus with a schoolbag in his hand, saw this familiar figure, and his faint pupils were filled with softness.

His lips curled up slightly, "What are you looking for? You are so anxious that you are sweating profusely."

The warm sunshine shone on the young man's body, and the soft broken hair on his forehead gave him a gentle and gentle aura.

"I'm looking for Sister Ying. I just saw Lu Qingyun dragging her out with her..."

The sight in front of her dimmed a bit, and Hua Qiqi raised her head to meet the young man's gaze.

A warm halo shone on his body. The blue school uniform made his figure appear tall, thin and well-proportioned. His eyes were clean and pure, like a natural spring.

Her eyes were dazed for a moment, and her little heart was beating uncontrollably.

"Qiqi is worrying too much. Classmate Gu is not a match for Sister Ying yet."

The girl's subtle reaction was caught in Yu Linye's eyes, and ripples appeared in her calm eyes.

He took out a tissue from his pocket and took a step forward to wipe the sweat from her forehead.

The mint scent of the young man lingered on the tip of Hua Qiqi's nose, and she couldn't help but feel a little nervous in her heart, "I... I can do it by myself."

Are you crazy? Why did your heart beat faster when you saw this guy today?

Hua Qiqi, are you so greedy that you want to attack your brothers?

Her heart tightened, she reached out and snatched the tissue from his hand, and wiped her forehead haphazardly.

"Then...I'm going home, so you should go back early."

She avoided the other party's sight, holding a tissue to wipe sweat in her hand, turned around and fled from the area quickly without looking back.


Looking at the direction in which Hua Qiqi ran away, the small ripples in Yu Linye's eyes magnified infinitely.



In a Land Rover.

The girl with a delicate body and a soft body was sitting on the man's lap. Her clothes were thin in the summer, and the close contact made them feel each other's warmth very clearly.

The inadvertent friction slowly turned the small fire into a prairie fire, so hot that it seemed to melt everything.

"Ayuan, this position is uncomfortable. I want to sit on my own."

Mu Changying's curled eyelashes trembled slightly, and her watery eyes were full of sincerity.

The look of the white and soft little rabbit makes people feel itchy.

"Tell me, Yingbao, what kind of sitting method will make you feel comfortable?"

Instead of moving away from her waist, Rong Moyuan's big palm was still gently rubbing her back, which had no trace of fat.

He frowned slightly.

Although she has been feeding for a long time, Yingbao still hasn't gained any weight at all.

Too thin, this ant waist seems to be crushed with a slight twist.

Mu Changying didn't hear the hidden meaning of these words and said without thinking, "Of course it's a relaxed approach."

[It’s not a typo, just do it and sit down and taste it slowly, Chinese literature is broad and profound]

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