The Second Master’s Little Ancestor’s Vest Fell To the Ground

Chapter 301: Did you treat this guy too kindly before?


Bai Mo's originally relieved heart jumped nervously into his throat again, and a slight look of panic appeared on Bai Mo's soft face.

Wucao, did his IQ just run away from home? Otherwise, why would you just open the car door without thinking?


Rong Moyuan's forehead was twitching, his eyebrows were gloomy, and there was an evil aura lingering around him.

He curled his fingers, and the corners of his mouth curved in a cold and icy arc.

Hey, was he too kind to this guy in the past?


The surrounding atmosphere became thinner, and Bai Mo felt a sense of oppression coming over him, and he lowered his head respectfully.

"Okay, Second Master, I'll get out of here smoothly."

Oh my god, if I don’t run away now, how long will it take?

Seeing Bai Mo's figure running away, Mu Changying cast her gaze on the man with a gloomy face.

"Ayuan, don't be angry, okay? I'll give you a rub Yingying."

She murmured slightly, put her small white hand on his forehead and pressed it gently.


The girl's fingertips were tender and smooth, and the pressing movements were extremely gentle. Rong Liyuan's irritable heart gradually calmed down.

He leaned on the seat, staring at her with his deep eyes, as if he wanted to carve her into the depths of his soul.

Such a caring treasure can only belong to him alone.


Seeing that his mood had successfully stabilized, Mu Changying breathed a sigh of relief.



After a long time, Bai Mo left and never returned, her slender eyebrows frowned slightly.

"Ayuan, I'll go down and take a look." She smiled at him and jumped out of the car quickly.

As soon as the girl left, he was the only one in the cramped space, and the cold feeling made him feel extremely uncomfortable.

A dark light flashed in Rong Liyuan's eyes, and he got out of the car and followed without blinking.



"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't pay attention while driving and I accidentally hit you. I'm really sorry."

A man in his forties, wearing a black suit, bowed in a friendly manner and apologized.

He has worked in Mingdu City for so many years, and he still has some sharp eyesight. The owner of this car must be either rich or noble.

The man had a friendly attitude and took out a white paper card from his pocket, "This is my business card. If you want your car repaired or you want cash compensation, you can call me."

If there wasn't a bad-tempered young lady sitting in the car, he would definitely stay and handle the matter properly.


Bai Mo took the business card and glanced at the work place above with a cold look in his eyes.

He put one hand in his pocket, with a deep mockery on his fair face, "It's really a bit of a fate."

? ? ? ?

The driver didn't understand the situation and looked at the man in front of him with a sudden change of expression with confusion.

"Xiao Momo, don't be too busy tearing it off. Let me see what this is?"

Just when Bai Mo was about to tear off the business card in his hand, a small hand snatched it away.

Mu Changying's eyes fell on the paper, the slight curve of the corners of her mouth disappeared, and her smiling eyes suddenly turned cold.

Zhou Shu, male, 45 years old, is the personal driver of the Gu family. His workplace is at the Mid-level Villa on Zhongyuan Road.

There are many people with the surname Gu in Mingdu City, but there is only one Gu family living in the mid-level villa.

"Tsk..." Mu Changying held the business card between her index and middle fingers and shook it, her delicate red lips slightly parted, "It turns out he is the driver of the Gu family~"

They really have a fate with the Gu family. It was Gu Xichen who bumped into them last time, so who will be the one who crashed this time?

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