What did this boy say to his sister?

He kept staring at Yiyi, could he have some evil intentions?

"Well, I'll consider it."

Mu Changying glanced at the group of fans who were eyeing Li Nanxun, and let him pull him away.

If we don't leave, this group of crazy female fans might come back again.

"Oh, contact information..."

Chu Muye looked at the cell phone he just took out and kicked the tire angrily.

Come on, come on... How will he contact her in the future once this person leaves?


inside the car.

Li Nanxun sat in the driver's seat and drove down the winding mountain road at a normal speed.

"Yiyi, just now the third brother almost sacrificed his appearance in order to escape and make them promise not to leak the news."

Next time you go out, you really can't just be elegant, otherwise you might be mobbed by fans again.

Mu Changying leaned on the passenger seat, picked up a bunch of hair and wrapped it around her knuckles to play with it.

A worried look flashed in her eyes, "I'm sorry, third brother, your appearance is destined to be sacrificed in vain."

The person who deliberately took the photo will soon make a big move.

I guess it won't be long before there will be a lot of scandals about the two of them on the Internet.

Hear the words.

Li Nanxun's body was slightly stiff, holding the steering wheel with one hand and rubbing the center of his brow irritably with the other hand.

"Yiyi, someone took a photo."

"Yes. The woman escaped. I didn't catch her. Third brother, I'm sorry."

Take photos?

A thing seeking death!

If you are sensible, it is best not to post the photos online, otherwise she will really follow the Internet cable and catch people.

This time, she will let the other party know the price to pay for secretly filming.

Those who are so cowardly should be taught a lesson...

Although she had only known her third brother for a short time, since she was her family, it was not her turn to be plotted by outsiders.

Mu Changying let go of her hair that was wrapped around her knuckles, and the darkness in her pupils gushed out like a tide.

"My silly Yiyi."

Li Nanxun raised the corner of his mouth, put his big palm on her head and rubbed it.

His peach blossom eyes with blurry luster softened, "Good boy, you don't need to apologize to Third Brother, this is not your fault at all."

It was obviously his lack of thinking that led to such a flaw, so she didn't have to bear the blame.


The photo of Li Nanxun protecting Mu Changying was deliberately posted online.

Moreover, that person was so courageous that he directly chose to publish it in Li Nanxun's super chat.

All kinds of fans gather here and the traffic is huge.

After the photo was released, fans argued fiercely and the marketing account took the lead, it was trending in just 20 minutes.

The original number one on the hot search list was a well-known actress cheating on her during marriage.

She was originally worried about how to reduce the heat, but now she had a scapegoat.

#Explosion, the mysterious girlfriend of a popular man in the entertainment industry is exposed!

#Shocking, a popular man gave his girlfriend a million-dollar luxury car!

#Li Nanxun no longer hides, and takes his girlfriend to participate in the racing game in a high-profile manner!

At a glance, all the hot searches on the list are about Li Nanxun and "girlfriend".

The news is all kinds of strange, varied, black and white, and made out of nothing.

But it is precisely this title that makes countless people curious and click on it like crazy.

As the matter escalated, Li Nanxun's top fan actually posted a large message accusing him of hiding his girlfriend from his fans despite being an idol. She had been seriously deceived and announced that she would no longer be a fan.

Fans of the fan club took the lead, and soon some management and young fans also announced that they would quit being fans, and some of the extreme ones even posted comments in response.

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