The Second Master’s Little Ancestor’s Vest Fell To the Ground

Chapter 324 Scumbag is not someone who can be bullied at will

Li Nanxun has been in the entertainment industry for a year and a half and has made a lot of money. Runkai's liquidated damages are not something he cannot afford.

But when he thought about the white money flowing into the other party's pocket, his heart ached.

"Hey... I hope other brands will not call to terminate the contract and claim..."

Yi Qinghan scratched his hair, sighed, got up from the sofa, and went to the table to deal with the "girlfriend exposure" incident.



Mu Changying was sitting in the co-pilot, inserted private goods in a picture, implanted a virus and sent a private message to "Li Nanxun, go to hell".

Without thinking, the person on the other side of the phone clicked to enlarge the picture taken by Li Nanxun at an awards ceremony.

Just as I clicked on it, my phone suddenly buzzed.

"Unknown virus invades, unknown virus invades!"

The phone's built-in anti-virus system was unable to crack the virus and soon entered a black screen and became paralyzed.

"It turns out he is still a professional gangster..."

Mu Changying held her phone, and a bunch of information about the other party appeared on the screen.

This person posted records that were only visible to himself. They were all vicious curses and curses for Li Nanxun to penetrate the center of the earth as soon as possible.

Log in to this person's account with a single tap of your hand, and set it to public visibility.

"You like to bully others online so much, why not try first what it feels like to be bullied online~"

Mu Changying grinned lightly, her eyebrows were curved, and her eyes like black grapes shone with a cool chill.

Her brother is not such a scumbag who can be bullied and abused at will!


Li Nanxun turned his head and glanced at her side face, his sexy Adam's apple rolled, and a warmth surged in his heart.

Although Yiyi no longer remembers them, Hu Ge's eager temperament remains unchanged.

He tightened his grip on the steering wheel, turned at the fork in the road and drove towards Qingbi Road.

After finishing the matter, Mu Changying put her phone back into her pocket.

She raised her head and scanned the scenery and buildings along the way, "Third brother, this is not the direction back to Rong Mansion."

Li Nanxun's speed continued, "Brother will take you to see the newly bought house."

Last time he missed a good opportunity because of the house matter and couldn't abduct his sister. This time he won't let go of this great opportunity easily.



Ten minutes later, the orange Ferrari parked at the door of the villa.

Mu Changying looked at the villa with its own garden in front of her, then at the valuable sports car, and couldn't help but glance at Li Nanxun's pocket from the corner of her eye.

The housing prices in this area are comparable to gold.

The third brother has only been in the entertainment industry for a year and a half. In order to buy this house, he must have invested all his savings.

Li Nanxun turned around and said, "Yiyi, come up quickly."

After purchasing the villa, he immediately decorated his sister's room himself, not knowing whether she would like it or not.

"Third brother, I know, come right now."

Looking at the man walking in front, Mu Changying chuckled and raised her heels.


Li Nanxun pressed the fingerprint lock and the door opened.

He stood sideways, bent down and stretched out his hand to make an inviting gesture to the girl in front of him.

"came back?!"

The crisp sound made Yi Qinghan, who was sitting in the living room extremely irritable, raise his head suddenly.

After waiting for so long, the man is finally back. If he doesn't come back, he will go to the police station to report the crime!

Yi Qinghan was so excited that he quickly stood up and ran towards the door like a fool.

He raised his voice and shouted loudly, "Ancestor, you are finally back!"

He opened his arms, and before he could see who was coming through the door, he rushed forward and strangled the other person's waist with both hands.

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