The Second Master’s Little Ancestor’s Vest Fell To the Ground

Chapter 326 Official Announcement—The Most Important Person

In the living room.

Yi Qinghan sat opposite Li Nanxun and tried to persuade the ancestor for a long time but remained indifferent.

His mouth went dry for a while as he spoke, so he picked up the water on the coffee table and took a few sips to calm down his anger.

He put the cup on the table with a bang and started a new round of persuasion with a grimace on his face.

"Axun, it's not easy to get to where you are today. Can you just give in to the scandal and turn your love from public to underground?"

"If this matter is not handled properly, your stardom will be severely damaged."

"The person in charge of Runkai has already called and demanded compensation for liquidated damages for contract termination. The other companies are still waiting and watching."

"You have recently spent a large amount of money to purchase real estate and luxury cars. If you pay liquidated damages, you will really have very little left!"

"For the sake of illusory love, do you plan to persist and then be boycotted by fans and eventually quit the entertainment industry and fall asleep?"

The man was still persuading.

Li Nanxun was lazily leaning on the sofa, with no trace of anxiety on his face.

He had a cigarette in his mouth and played with the metal lighter in his other hand.

Press it a few times with your thumb, and a small flame will rise.

He put the lighter close to the cigarette and lit it, took a deep breath and exhaled a thin layer of smoke.

"Brother Han, if you've said enough, take a rest."

The light words almost made Yi Qinghan faint in an instant.

His head was dizzy, and his money path felt dim and blurry.


At this time, a door push sounded.

Looking up, the girl who had taken a bath was walking slowly.

She had her silky hair blow-dried and draped over her shoulders. She was wearing a knee-length blue dress and a pair of fluffy white slippers.

This color skirt makes her look particularly gentle and well-behaved, like a noble lady walking out of a lady painting.


Yi Qinghan was stunned for a few seconds, and suddenly he understood why A Xun was reluctant to give up this little girlfriend.

"Yiyi come here."

Li Nanxun's eyes flashed with satisfaction and he immediately put out the cigarette in his hand.

His fashion sense is very good, and this skirt suits my sister very well.


Mu Changying nodded obediently, walked to him and sat down.

As soon as he sat down, Li Nanxun took out his mobile phone, took a photo of the two of them, edited the text, and posted it on Weibo.

"Come on, come on, it's over. It's hopeless. You and I are going to go to sleep soon..."

Yi Qinghan stopped a step too late and took out his cell phone with a pained face to see what the little ancestor was doing.


Mu Changying looked at Li Nanxun, who had a calm expression, and also took out his phone to check his latest updates.

Li Nanxun V: [The most important person. (Picture png.)]

In the spacious and bright European-style living room, the girl in the photo has a sweet smile, and her whole body is filled with a clean atmosphere.

The handsome men and beauties with good looks look worthy of each other, but fans don't accept this.

A group of people were completely stimulated by this wave of "official announcement" and jumped even more.


After reading the content, the smile on Mu Changying's lips deepened a bit.

The third brother seemed to make an official announcement and revealed important news, but in fact he revealed nothing.

This is ambiguous, it just depends on how the fans and the public understand it.

"It's okay, it's okay, there's still hope." Yi Qinghan felt relieved and let out a breath.

As long as there is no direct official announcement that she is a girlfriend, the situation can still be reversed.

"Hey...something's wrong..."

He looked slightly stunned, looking at the person in the photo, and then at the girl in front of him.

Sensing his gaze, Mu Changying raised her head and smiled.

Their eyes met, and in the flash of lightning, a picture suddenly appeared in his mind.

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