The Second Master’s Little Ancestor’s Vest Fell To the Ground

Chapter 328 It’s embarrassing to show off such trivial skills


Rong Moyuan's face was covered with gloom, and he felt a sense of oppression that was about to come.

He stood up, picked up his coat and put it on, "Where is he?"

It's so good that something happened to his tassel just after going out!

The man's anger kept overflowing, and the air in the study became a little thin.

Bai Mo took two steps back calmly, "Madam should be in the new villa that Li Laosan bought now..."

He wanted to have a good sleep during the holiday today, but something like this happened, which really killed him.

"Second Master, there's nothing serious about Madam. Please take a look at this first..." Bai Mo took out his mobile phone and handed it over.

As soon as it was handed over to the second master, he felt a little regretful.

"Heh... Li Nanxun..."

Sure enough, after watching the scandal, Rong Liyuan felt a surge of evil energy around his body, and the strength of his grip on the phone suddenly increased.

The veins on the back of the hand popped out and the blood vessels were clearly visible, which made people feel horrified.

"Prepare the car."

Under Bai Mo's worried gaze, Rong Liyuan thrust the phone back into his hand intact.



living room.

The collective backlash from fans was huge, and the scandal became bigger and bigger.

In just a few dozen minutes, someone on the Internet found out that Mu Changying studied at Qingjin University.

As soon as the news came out, it caused heated discussions among netizens.

When will the boyfriend assigned by the state arrive: [So, brother Xun spent a lot of money to send her to a prestigious school? 】

Give me a blue buff: [Gift a luxury car, get into a prestigious school, have a good reputation, this woman is very scheming! 】

Kicked the scumbag: [This woman looks pure and pure, and that’s what men like nowadays.

Li Nanxun himself is not a good person to fall in love with such a bitch! 】

The first cup of milk tea in autumn: [According to a friend of mine who studied in Qingjin, this woman was originally put into the top class.

But his performance in the in-class test was too poor, and he was called to the office by his head teacher for a talk.

As a result, she beat up the class teacher in anger, and was assigned to the garbage class only after she made a mistake.

Also, since she came to school, she has spread the news that she is prettier than Goddess Gu, and wants to compete with the goddess for the position of school beauty.

Not only that, after entering the school, she also followed the rubbish from Class 7 to beat up the students of the Bo school. Because of this, she even went to the police station and almost couldn't get out.

Everything I said is true. If you don't believe it, you can go to Qingyun Police Station, where she still has her criminal record! 】

The comment section was filled with hostility, and all kinds of abuse flooded the Internet.

Mu Changying looked at these comments without any emotion in her eyes.

The corners of her mouth curved slightly, as if the netizen was not scolding her.

The girl's obedient and soft-spoken appearance fell into Li Nanxun's eyes, and he felt a pang of distress in his heart.

Yiyi, his baby sister is so cute...

"Don't worry, it's just a small matter."

"They are screaming so wildly now and it hurts so much when they are slapped in the face. Why bother with a bunch of idiots who have no IQ?"

Mu Changying got up from the sofa, walked to the window and took a look at the sky outside.

Her face was soft, but the slight glint in her eyes was strange and cold.

I know a lot about this [Autumn’s first cup of milk tea]...

There are more and more abuses on the Internet, as well as various revelations about her.

He was uneducated in school, bullied his classmates, often raced cars and ignored traffic rules...

There is a hand behind this pushing things forward, hoping that things will get worse.

Her red lips parted slightly, "No matter who you are... I will find out..."

Someone in this game is targeting the third brother, and someone wants to take the opportunity to arrange a game within the game to drag her into trouble. dare you use such a trivial trick to embarrass yourself?

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