The Second Master’s Little Ancestor’s Vest Fell To the Ground

Chapter 332 My dear grandson, you need to be more sensible.

The old lady lowered her eyes and couldn't help but joke, "Nanny knows how to protect her husband so soon?"

Look, what a well-married daughter-in-law she is. She is delicate and soft, but she also knows how to protect her husband.

The waiter's ability to marry this beautiful wife really used up all the blessings he had accumulated in his previous life.


Mu Changying's face turned red with embarrassment, and she looked at Rong Liyuan quietly from the corner of her eye.

Unexpectedly, he actually looked over.

Their eyes met, and the air was silently filled with deep love.

The atmosphere is warm, touching and extremely morbid, and the man's eyes show a determination that he will not let go even if he dies.

"Butler Lin, dinner is ready..." (No)

At this time, a voice broke in, and the sweet atmosphere between the two people was completely destroyed.

Rong Shichu stood at the stairs and took in everything that happened in the living room.

Seeing the intimate scene between Mu Changying and the old lady, I couldn't help feeling depressed.

This little bitch is really good at making her grandma smile so quickly.

The old lady looked up and saw the young man at the top of the stairs, and waved, "Come on, dear grandson, come down quickly."

This kind tone made Rong Shichu's unhappiness dissipate a bit. He arranged his clothes casually and went down the stairs, "Grandma, I'll be down right away."

When he walked quickly to the middle of the stairs, the old lady patted Mu Changying's little hand and said loudly.

"Come down quickly, grandma will give you a good explanation on how to fulfill your filial piety."

"When Nannan marries into the Rong family, she will be your mother. You must be filial to her."

As he finished speaking lightly, Mu Changying watched with sharp eyes as Rong Shichu's figure swayed, his feet twisted and he almost fell down the stairs.

With a smile in her eyes, she grabbed the candy on the coffee table, peeled it and stuffed it into her mouth.

The little mouth was chewing the candy, the eyebrows were raised, and the words were full of meaning.

"Mom, Shi Chu is a good boy. I believe that even if you don't tell him, he will do his best to be filial to me."

She held her chin with one hand and glanced at Rong Shichu, who had stabilized his body.


He pursed his lips tightly, slowed down and went downstairs without saying a word.

After taking a look at this cheap son, Rong Suyuan lowered his crossed legs.

"Are you mute? Do you want your uncle Zheng to come over and take a look at you?"

He was lucky to be praised by Yingbao, but this son didn't seem to appreciate it.

He is becoming more and more rebellious. He doesn't know how to respect the old and care for the young at all. It seems that he needs to be disciplined.


Rong Shichu's body stiffened, and he managed a fake smile, "Mom, I will definitely honor you."

Let Uncle Zheng see a doctor? Will it kill someone?

I don't know what's going on with this uncle lately. He's been irritable and erratic all day long, and his temper can explode at the slightest moment.

Mu Changying sat up straight, nodded and said, "Well, son, I understand what you mean, mother."

Yeah, the dark and depressed look on this cheap son's face is really interesting.

"My dear grandson, you have to be more sensible."

Seeing that the beating worked, the old lady curled her lips with satisfaction.

People throughout the ages have been partial, and of course she will be more partial to Nannan.

As for this grandson... he has no blood relationship at all, but he has been raised for so many years.

If he is sensible and behaves peacefully, then he will still be the crown prince of Mingdu City. If he doesn't behave well...

Bai Mo, who stood aside and tried to be transparent: "..."

This young master's cultivation skills are really not good enough.

How could he cope with the powerful alliance between the old lady and the madam? Just keep your fox tail between your legs and be a human being.

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