The Second Master’s Little Ancestor’s Vest Fell To the Ground

Chapter 337: People are not yours to complain about

As soon as Butler Lin left, the old lady continued to play with her mobile phone, pretending not to talk to the two of them.

The more she spoke, the more mistakes she made. She didn't want her vest to be stripped off.

After playing with the phone for a while, I felt really bored. I glanced at the two people next to me from the corner of my eye.


Just as he looked over, Mu Changying was keenly aware of it.

She turned her head and met the old lady's eyes, with a kind smile on her lips.


After being caught peeking at the bag, the old lady sneered and subconsciously said, "Nanny..."

As soon as she finished speaking, her vision went dark, and she almost raised her hand to lick her mouth.

Damn you, you are just exposing your identity...

Her eyes were dark, and the expression on her face was unpredictable.

Mu Changying took in this classic face change, and the smile in his eyes became brighter.

"Mom, don't worry too much. I just ate an apple to fill my stomach. I won't be hungry."

Since mom doesn't want to take off her vest, let's grant her this little wish.

Mu Changying looked away and pinched the flesh on Rong Liyuan's waist with her small hands.

The girl's hand was weak, so he didn't feel any pain, only a little itching.

Rong Liyuan lowered his head, leaned close to her ear and whispered, "Don't worry, Yingbao, I don't know anything."

The warm breath sprayed on her small and exquisite earlobes. She felt an itch and her body couldn't help but shrink.

About ten minutes later, Butler Lin left and returned.

"Old lady, Madam, Second Master, dinner is ready."

"Come on, come on, it's time to eat. Hurry up and finish your meal and have a good rest."

The old lady breathed a sigh of relief, and the dignity hidden between her brows completely disappeared.

Fortunately, Lao Lin arrived in time, otherwise she wouldn't know if she could withstand this weird atmosphere.

The old lady put down her mobile phone and gave Butler Lin a complimentary look.

Well, he did a good job. Next time she will ask the waiter to increase his salary.

Mu Changying looked at the old lady's little movements and suppressed the smile in her eyes.

She showed tiredness on her face and stretched out her long white fingers to rub her forehead, "I'm exhausted today. I might as well go to bed early after dinner..."

As a good daughter-in-law, she must cooperate well with her mother's performance and must not turn a blind eye.

Hearing this, Rong Liyuan's pupils darkened, and he quickly stood up and took her to eat.

Yingbao has indeed encountered too many troublesome things today. He must take a good rest after eating and drinking...



Qingbi Road, central villa.

Li Nanxun came home dusty from outside.


Open the door, change your shoes and enter the living room, take out your phone to check the scandal.

Seeing that the matter had reached a climax, he raised his eyebrows, opened his bag and took out several lawyer's letters.

The white paper letter has a black rose in full bloom printed on it.

Open the paper letter, pick up the phone to take a photo, edit the text, and publish...

His series of movements were smooth and fluid, without even a moment's hesitation.

Li Nanxun V: [The circle will not retreat, I will not be confused, and you are not someone you can criticize casually.

In addition, the clown who hides behind the screen and spreads rumors is always there at the door of our court. 】

Lawyers' letters from celebrities are usually meant to scare people, and they are rarely serious.

A group of netizens did not take it seriously at first, but continued to provoke them without knowing whether to live or die.

However, when their eyes fell on the office at the bottom of the lawyer's letter, everyone looked horrified and almost broke the keyboard in their hands.

Responsible office: Hanzhou!

Trial lawyer: Li Nanfeng!

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