The two of them held their computers and started writing code to invade when everything was ready.

After entering the state, Mu Changying pursed her lips tightly and stared at the computer screen with all her concentration.

Halfway through writing the code, he glanced in the direction of Rong Liyuan from the corner of his eye.

Seeing him looking at the screen attentively, his hands with long knuckles placed on the black keyboard, his hand speed soared without any slack.

She withdrew her gaze and said with a hint of threat, "Ayuan, keep up your hand speed. Don't lose to me on purpose, or I will make you lay on the floor."

"Since it's a game, you have to go all out. This is respect for your opponent."


You can’t sleep with your sweet-smelling and soft daughter-in-law in your arms!

Rong Moyuan's index finger paused for a moment, and then accelerated again.

"...Okay...I won't let you offend on purpose."

His sexy Adam's apple squirmed, and his faint pupils were filled with indulgence and coldness.

Since she wanted him to give it his all, then he would grant her wish.

The most important thing is that if you can't eat meat or drink soup, your life will be too miserable.


The two reached an agreement, no one spoke in the room, and the sound of typing on the keyboard was clear and rhythmic.

The two people holding the computer are shrouded in warm-colored lights, one big and one small, one strong and one soft. The atmosphere is quiet and peaceful, like a pair of beautiful people walking out of a painting.


Time passed by, the writing was completed, and the two of them pressed the confirmation button simultaneously.

They glanced at each other knowingly, their eyes met for a moment, and then they continued to work.

Click on the avatar of [Autumn’s First Cup of Milk Tea] and insert the code you’ve written.

The bait has been put out, just waiting for the big fish to take the bait and be caught in the net.

After waiting for about a few seconds, the person on the other side clicked the link, and the page crashed immediately after entering.

"Hmm... let me see, who is the clown hiding behind the screen?"

Mu Changying's keyboard typing speed soared and she began to attack the opponent's security system.


Rong Liyuan sat on the chair, with a stern chill between his brows and eyes.

The two sped up, and in just one minute they simultaneously broke through the security system on the opposite side.

The corners of his mouth raised slightly, "Yingbao is very powerful."

She really deserves to be his treasure, not even half inferior compared to him.

After receiving the compliment, Mu Changying grinned, and a string of charming laughter escaped from her throat, "Hehe... You don't even know whose wife I am."

Kissing your husband is so powerful, how can a daughter-in-law hold you back?

The girl's arrogant little expression fell into her eyes, and Rong Liyuan's heart felt warm and possessive.

Of course Yingbao is his wife...and it can only belong to him for all eternity...

"Didi didi——"

The security system was destroyed, and a rapid beep came from the computer.

Thousands of black codes jumped on the screen, and finally disappeared except for one.

The two of them looked at the computer screen in unison. When they saw the address clearly, the temperature in the room dropped suddenly, and it was as cold as an ice cellar.

The evil spirit on Rong Liyuan's body overflowed, and his eyes were cold and full of endless violence, "I don't know whether to live or die..."

His voice was cold, and his sharp eyes seemed to be boring a hole into the screen.

Feeling of pressure came over, Mu Changying's small hand grasped his big palm, and her fingers gently scratched his palm.

"A-Yuan, don't be angry, it's not worth it for such a clown~"

She glanced at the address on the screen, and her pupils were as cold as ice.

Mid-level villa - Gu family!

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