My family: [God K and God Y are both bigwigs in the hacker world, and they probably were inadvertently attracted by each other's operations.

So the two developed a feeling of sympathy and sympathy for each other, so they regarded each other as close friends...]

This passage attracted the approval of countless people, and a love story of 10,000 words was automatically filled in their minds.



Mu Changying stood up after reading the comments on Weibo for a while.

The speed of typing on the keyboard just now was a bit fast, and my little hands were a little sore.

She pursed her lips and flicked her right hand lightly.

This body is simply too delicate.

"Ying Bao..."

The girl frowned slightly, and Rong Liyuan could see the uncomfortable expression in his eyes.

Bits of distress floated in the depths of his eyes, and he strode forward to her side.

"A Yuan, what's wrong?"

The light dimmed in front of Mu Changying, she raised her head in confusion, and blinked her eyelashes suspiciously.

"Yingbao, let me squeeze your arm."

He put his big hand on her little head and rubbed it, then took her little hand without any doubt and walked to the side sofa to sit down.

She shook her head, "A Yuan, no need."

The arm is just a little sore, and it will be fine in a while.

"Yingbao, sit down obediently."

The arms are sore, and if I don't knead them, I will feel uncomfortable the next day.

"Okay, Crab Ayuan~"

Struggling was useless, so Mu Changying simply gave up resisting and sat obediently.

The girl is quiet and obedient, with a pure and clean breath, like a little rabbit who knows nothing about the world.

A trace of satisfaction flashed across Rong Liyuan's eyes, "Yingbao is very good."

He sat next to her, pressing her shoulder with one hand, and kneading her wrist with the other.

The man's strength is just right, and the severity is right.

Mu Changying's tense body relaxed, she adjusted her posture, and leaned lazily on the sofa.

"A Yuan, how long will it take to get well?"

Although it is really comfortable to pinch, if it takes too long, she will feel distressed.

"Yingbao, you'll be fine soon."




The old lady's mouth was a little dry, she got up and planned to go downstairs to get a glass of water.

Passing the corridor, I saw that the door of the room was slightly open, and the lights inside had not been turned off.

She raised her feet and was about to go in and call them to go to bed early, staying up late hurts the body.

When she was still a step away from the door of the room, the man's magnetic and hoarse voice came into her ears.

What do you mean it will be soon?

The old lady's pupils constricted violently, she supported the wall with one hand, and covered her heart with the other.

She lowered her eyes and murmured, "Quick? What's so fast, shouldn't it be what I thought? Is there something wrong with Xiaoer's body?"

The old lady thought for a while, and tried to use euphemistic words as much as possible.

She remembered that the commanding master asserted that Xiao Er was doomed to have no heirs in his life.

I always thought it was a matter of fate before, but I never thought it might be a physical problem.

Knowing the truth now, the old lady has mixed feelings in her heart.

"This... this... ouch, what is this..."

I'm not in good health and I married Jiao Didi's little wife. Isn't this intentional to torture my daughter?

Hey... Their old Rong family is sorry for their daughter.

The old lady's eyes were slightly red, she sniffed, and left the corridor lightly.

"That's right, genius doctor!"

Changning's genius doctor is so skilled in medicine that he can even cure her illness.

If you invite a miracle doctor to see it, Xiao Er's body is still expected to recover.

She must find a time to make an appointment with Dr. Changning, and spend a lot of money to ask for this matter.

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