Seeing the ignorant and ignorant appearance of the girl in front of him, Rong Liyuan's Adam's apple rolled and overflowed into a low smile.

"Yingbao thinks too much, there's nothing wrong with it."

"Mom is well-intentioned, let's not let her down."

His laughter was hoarse and magnetic, like a gust of wind blowing through the tip of a person's heart, causing ripples in his heart.

Mu Changying's ears were reddish and soft, and she swallowed calmly.

Oh my god, this is too provocative.

She nodded her head, and agreed with his words with a face of approval, "Then... maybe I was thinking about it~"

Damn it can be misinterpreted like this, A Yuan is really a black-bellied big bad wolf.

He was always thinking about her "pure and harmless" little rabbit, and wanted to tear her apart and eat her.

Rong Liyuan glanced at the girl's small and exquisite ears, and his eyes darkened slightly.

"Yingbao, why are your ears red?"

Mu Changying lacked confidence, "Huh? Cough cough cough...Maybe it's a little hot~"

Her rebuttal was weak, and it sounded like a baby in the man's ears.

He stared at her red ears, and stretched out his big palm to touch the earlobe.


It's a pity that the sky failed, and the door of the room was suddenly pushed open again!

The loud noise instantly destroyed the warm atmosphere in the room.

Rong Liyuan raised his head to look at the person who came, his face was full of unkindness and his eyes were gloomy.


A young man with disheveled clothes and an anxious expression stood at the door.

When he saw this scene in the room, his limbs froze in place, as if he had been cast by a spell.

"Dad...Mom, I heard something happened to grandma, so I came here to have a look..."

Rong Shichu looked at the big bed, saw that there was no one on it, and felt very puzzled in his heart.

Isn't grandma seriously ill? Why did you disappear after a while?

"My dear son, if I remember correctly, are you still in confinement?"

"I...I'm just too worried about grandma...that's why I'm in a hurry to come out."

"Son, you are so filial. Don't worry, I will definitely convey your thoughts to mother."

Mu Changying crossed her legs and looked at Rong Shichu at the door with a shallow smile.

She was sitting on a chair, her eyes were dim, cold and cold, and she looked at him secretly.

His clothes were disheveled. At first glance, he seemed to have gotten up from the bed, and came here in a panic before he had time to take care of him.

But if you observe carefully, you will find that although the clothes are messy, they are not wrinkled.

If you just got up from the bed, your clothes will be more or less wrinkled.

This is an illusion created on purpose, and I am ashamed to show off such a small skill.

"Nizi, go back!"

The two of them were destroyed again and again when they were alone, and some dark reds appeared in Rong Liyuan's deep eyes.

The moment they looked at each other, the brutal and bloody feeling doubled the pressure.

Rong Shichu couldn't believe it, the emotions that had just stabilized instantly collapsed.

"Dad! I'm here to see grandma. I'm worried if something happened to her!"

I thought that using this trick of filial piety would impress my father, and then I would be able to lift the confinement.

But why did things develop like this? This is not scientific!

Could it be that this little bitch got in the way?

"Son, your ears may be really deaf."

Sensing Rong Shichu's vaguely hostile gaze, Mu Changying picked up the teacup on the table and took a sip.

Hey, this cheap son really doesn't understand the rules.

Rong Liyuan glanced at his cheap son, his eyes darkened wildly.

"I... I'm going out now..."

The father ignored him, the little bitch sneered, and Rong Shichu's heart felt cold.

Full of resignation, he strode out of the room without looking back.

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