The Second Master’s Little Ancestor’s Vest Fell To the Ground

Chapter 353 Since you can't do well, then...

"Hey... you can't take it anymore?"

You just cursed so viciously, but this is the only thing you can do?

Mu Changying raised his eyebrows, his eyes were cold, sharp and domineering.

"Bitch... hiss..."

Rong Shichu was burning with anger, he straightened his body and wanted to scold again, but just as he straightened his waist, severe pain suddenly rushed like a tide.

He suffered from pain and had to bend down, clutching his stomach tightly, yelling and cursing again and again.

"Bitch, you know Israel's servants in your head, you will be abandoned sooner or later!"


Bai Mo stood aside, resting his forehead with one hand, his eyes flickering with caring light for the mentally handicapped.

Stupid as a pig!

You've been beaten like this, why don't you know how to be quiet?

"Your mouth is dirty."

Mu Changying clasped her hands together, making a crisp sound.

She stepped on a pair of high-heeled shoes to come behind Rong Shichu, and with a corner of her mouth, she raised her foot and kicked his knee fiercely.


Rong Shichu's back knee was kicked, his body leaned forward, and when he became unsteady, he knelt on both knees.

Seeing that he was about to fall, he gritted his teeth and supported the floor with both hands.

His clothes were disheveled, his fists were bleeding, and his kneeling posture looked extremely embarrassing.

Mu Changying shook her small hands, looking down at the people on the ground.

"Don't worry, you won't see the day when I'm abandoned."

"Instead of worrying about might as well worry about yourself."

It fell into her hands, and she would not let him off so easily.

"Bitch... Rotten hooves, so what if you enter the Rong family? You don't have any share in the Rong family's property!"

She is just a rotten girl from a small family, she is not worthy to enter the Rong family, and now she is even more unqualified to divide the family property.

Rong Shichu supported his body and wanted to stand up, but just as he moved, he was held down by Bai Mo.

He couldn't move, he could only kneel on the cold floor in humiliation.

"Special Assistant Bai, let go, let me go quickly..."

Mu Changying watched as Rong Shichu resisted and was suppressed back again. After repeated tossing, his complexion turned dark.

"I'm sorry, Ah Yuan just likes me."

"Well, it's up to you."

Rong Liyuan walked out of the room, just in time to hear these words in his ears.

With a slight smile in his eyes, he walked straight in her direction.


Seeing the person coming, Rong Shichu's eyes lit up, as if he saw the savior.

He subconsciously ignored this response, and his physical struggle became more joyful.

Just when he thought he would get out of the sea of ​​suffering, the other party didn't give him a look.

"Ying Bao."

Rong Liyuan came to Mu Changying's side, clasped her small hand with his big palm.

With a ferocious face, Rong Shichu raised his voice, "Dad!"

The boy's voice was sharp and stern, and finally got everyone's attention.

Rong Liyuan looked at him, his deep eyes seemed to be a deep well, and no trace of emotion could be seen.

"Bai Mo, send him back to the room. Also, go and stop all his cards."

Rong Shichu was pulled up vigorously by Bai Mo.

He frowned tightly, with Taotao's anger in his eyes, and asked loudly angrily.

"Dad, why? It's obviously not my fault..."

Why? !

Why was he the one who got hurt in the end? !

Although the cheap son scolded and yelled, there was no trace of pity in Rong Liyuan's eyes.

"You upset your mother..."

It was his original sin to make Yingbao unhappy.

It is an unforgivable crime to provoke Yingbao recklessly!

Since you can't even do your son's job well, then don't be your son.

[La la la, cheap son will move out soon...]

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