In the hall, Fu Zixian happened to see Gu Qingyun's cold appearance.

"White lotus."

This kind of little white lotus can be scheming, and the little fairy can't follow her way.

Fu Zixian frowned, and looked at the man next to him with some concern.

"Brother, stay here by yourself and don't run around, I will come as soon as I go."

Ever since Xiao Jiaojiao disappeared, my brother has been gloomy all day long and never smiled again.


Fu Huaizheng looked indifferent, and sat in a dimly lit corner after answering.

He curled up on the sofa, as if trying to merge himself with the darkness.

On Fu Huaizheng's face were written the words "Don't get close to strangers", and there was a low breath lingering around him.

Jiaojiao, Zhengzheng misses you very much, why don't you go home...

"Is he here too?"

Out of the corner of Gu Qingqian's eyes, he glanced at Fu Huaizheng in the corner, with surprise in his eyes.

Her little heart was pounding, and she turned around resolutely and walked in the direction where he was.



Seeing her nervous appearance, Mu Changying's smile deepened in vain.

She patted Lu Qingyun's shoulder seemingly lightly.

"Chunhua, relax a bit. Don't worry, I won't snatch it from you."

"Because... I don't want this, you are only worthy of picking up the trash I throw away."

Her voice was gentle and gentle, but her words were extremely cruel.

Lu Qingyun was slapped violently, and her footsteps staggered slightly.

This palm looked harmless, but in fact it was quite powerful.

He was suddenly slapped, and there was a sharp pain in his shoulder.

She snorted, her face turned pale, her hand holding the hem of the skirt tightened, and two lines of tears slid down her cheeks.

The pear blossoms are raining, lovely and pitiful, like pure white lotus swaying in the wind.

"Yun'er, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing his dear little girlfriend crying, Rong Shichu, who had been paying attention to the situation here, limped forward.

With an anxious expression on his face, he hastily stretched out his hand to take Lu Qingyun's arm.

Seeing this, Mu Changying let out a soft tsk sound in her throat, "Tsk..."

This cheap son is really infatuated, but it's a pity that he feeds the villain with his heart.

Lick the dog lick the dog until nothing is left.


Gu Qingyun remained silent, only knowing that he kept crying, and his heart became more and more anxious.

Rong Shichu raised his voice in vain, "Yun'er, talk, don't scare me!"

While he was asking her how she was doing, he frowned and spoke harsh words to Mu Changying.

"Why Yun'er can't stop crying, did you do something to her?"

The boy's voice was loud, and the people who were close to them were instantly attracted.

Everyone had different thoughts, and with puzzled light in their eyes, they cast curious gazes in their direction.

When Mu Changying was questioned, she still had the same smile on her face, she was extremely calm and looked like a general.

Her beautiful pupils were crystal clear, without any trace of guilty conscience.

"Son, look at what you said."

"As an elder, how could I do anything to your little girlfriend?"

Hitting a snake and hitting seven inches, she has always been proficient in how to annoy the enemy until he vomits blood.

Sure enough, as soon as the word "elder" was dropped, the faces of both of them turned pale, as if they had painted the wall.

"A junior, who gave you the courage to talk to your elders like this? Your upbringing has fed dogs?"

Fu Zixian's expression was not good, and he snorted coldly, with a look of sarcasm in his eyes.


Rong Shichu and Lu Qingyun were mercilessly stabbed in the heart, and blood flowed from the wound...

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