Rong Liyuan's aura was fully open, and the dense hostility made people shudder.


Rong Shichu's pupils widened, and the whites of his eyes were stained a few shades of red due to extreme anger.

He slowly lowered his head, his breathing became rapid, and he held his hands unwillingly.

Even if you protect your shortcomings, you can't protect yourself like this. This kind of mind is so biased that there is no limit, no shadow, no lower limit.

Seeing that this guy would shrink into a ball as soon as he saw the second master, Gu Qingyun secretly hated him.

Trash, will there really be a future for such a worthless fellow?

She clenched her teeth, took a deep breath and raised her head, looking at Mu Changying with hazy eyes.

"Chang Ying, Ah Chu didn't bump into you on purpose, so you just go around him this time, okay?

Besides, you are so kind, you must be reluctant to let their father and son fight because of you, right? "

What he said was extremely technical, exaggerating and belittling secretly, pointing the finger of blame at her alone.

Mu Changying narrowed her eyes slightly, "Oh? But...whether you do it intentionally or not, you will be punished if you do something wrong. Small punishment and big punishment, hasn't Yun'er heard this sentence?"

Her eyes are like a clear spring, clean and pure, but under the calm surface, an undercurrent is already surging.

A simple sentence, four or two moves, instantly blocked the other party's way to continue pleading.


There was nothing wrong with this statement, Lu Qingyun was at a loss for words for a moment, she didn't know how to refute, so she could only purse her lips to relieve her tension.

Rong Shichu raised his head and reached out to hold her little hand, "Yun'er, don't beg her hard!"

This little bitch would be fine if he didn't plan, how could he show kindness and help him?


Seeing the sarcasm in his eyes, Mu Changying smiled brightly, showing no sign of anger.

Hey, it's been so long, and the IQ of cheap son still hasn't improved at all, so it's really boring to play.

"Dog men and women."

Seeing the two people acting affectionately in front of her, Fu Zixian's stomach twitched.


The beloved little girlfriend was humiliated, and she cried so much that she was so pitiful, and Rong Shichu felt pity in his heart.

With a firm look in his eyes, he stepped forward to protect Lu Qingyun behind him.

"Dad, I will not bow my head and back down on this matter today. Little bitch... Mom must give me an explanation!"

This little bitch can't rely on his father's favor to be lawless and domineering.

"Heh... you want to explain?"

Rong Liyuan's deep pupils were full of evil spirits, and his sharp-edged face was full of violence.

He stood under the light, and even the warm light on him couldn't dispel the deep coldness.

A sense of menace sets in, and the air becomes thinner.



The people around looked at each other, and they all saw panic in each other's eyes.

Watching the fun? How could the second master's family affairs be so easy to see?

After reading it, I am afraid that the life span will be used up.

The pressure in everyone's hearts doubled, and they didn't dare to cast their eyes randomly.

Holding the champagne in their hands, they found familiar people to talk to, and quickly moved away from the battlefield that was about to fall.


Mu Changying rested her chin with one hand and clicked softly.

Her red lips parted slightly, and she whispered, "What's this called? If you don't die, you won't die~"

Ask Ah Yuan for an explanation, is this rebellious son worthy?

She has not forgotten that in the first life, Rong Shichu was ambitious and joined forces with outsiders to occupy the Rong family's property.

Mu Changying's small hand grasped Rong Liyuan's big palm, "Ah Yuan, since he wants to explain, let's give him an explanation."

It's just that she doesn't know whether this statement will satisfy him or not.

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