Chapter 360 You Don't Want Me Anymore

The language of Huaguo is profound, profound, and extremely beautiful, and there are no dirty words in it.

This group of noble ladies spoke from a tricky angle, soft and sharp, as if a blade was scraping on Lu Qingyun's body.

If you offend this group of people, Gu's jewelry business will shrink by more than half.

After all, most of the VIP jewelry of the Gu family needs to be purchased by these ladies. How can ordinary people afford it?

"Yun'er is still young and ignorant, don't care about her like a child."

"She used to stay in the country. Although she has a gentle temperament, she has more or less the bad temper of a poor person. After I go back, I will definitely ask the etiquette teacher to train her properly."

Hearing what these wives said, Tan Wanan hurried over with a pair of shoes.

She maintained etiquette and elegantly pushed aside the crowd, and walked among several noble ladies to smooth things over.

With an apologetic smile on Tan Wanan's face, she tried her best to dispel the anger of these people.

Lowering her figure to smooth things over made her feel a little bit of shame.

She stepped forward and held Lu Qingyun's hand to prevent her daughter from acting recklessly.

The strength of this hand was not small, and Gu Qingyun was in pain, so she couldn't help but let out a soft cry.


"you shut up!"

Isn't this daughter very smart? Why are you so stupid today?


Mu Changying looked at Tan Wan'an's back, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and he gave a slight snort in his heart.

This mother is indeed very kind to Gu Qingyun, but in the face of the family's interests, did she not choose her daughter?

That's the case with those who are useful, and it's normal for her to be hated as a stupid pig in her first life.

Once Gu Qingyun left, he was the only one left in Rong Shichu's lineup to fight alone.

Mu Changying looked at the cheap son's distraught appearance with indifference in his eyes.

She stood up straight, with serious eyes, "A Yuan, tell him, are you angry?"


Hearing this, Rong Shichu's heart tightened, and the dawn of hope rose in his heart.


Mu Changying frowned frivolously and curled her lips.

The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment, and the cheap son is destined to be full of disappointment.

Rong Liyuan lifted his eyelids slightly, and glanced at Rong Shichu lightly, his hostility remained undiminished.

What's the use of keeping this son who won't change after repeated admonitions?

"Get off, don't get in Yingbao's eyes here."

His voice was so cold, it pierced my heart.

It was clearly the midsummer of the three volts, but it suddenly made people feel that they were living in an extremely cold winter.

Rong Shichu's whole body was cold, his eyes were bloodshot, "Dad, you don't want me anymore?!"

He wept blood in his voice, and waved his hands excitedly.

Rong Liyuan slightly tightened his grip on Mu Changying's small hand, and quickly protected her with his body, lest this rebellious son would be dissatisfied and hurt others impulsively.

Mu Changying grinned lightly, "A Yuan, don't worry."

Even if this kid wants to attack her, he must first see if he is qualified enough. If he really comes to beat her, he will be looking for torture to give her head.


The boy's voice broke the tranquility, the music stopped at the climax, and everyone's conversation also stopped.

Everyone was silent, and there was a dead silence in the hall.

After a short period of silence, everyone couldn't restrain themselves and gathered together to chat in a low voice.

"Your grandson is not able to withstand stress."

The old man with gray hair and wearing a Chinese tunic suit had a deep sense of humor in his eyes.

Hearing this, the old lady snorted and waved helplessly.

"Okay, let's stop talking, I'll go and see what's going on first."

Today is my daughter's introduction banquet, what is this bastard kid doing?

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