His clothes were disheveled, and the sweat overflowing from his forehead wet a strand of hair in front of his forehead. The strands of hair were sticky and looked extra greasy under the light.

Rong Shichu was full of anger, and roared hysterically, "Dad, you would never treat me like this before, what kind of ecstasy soup did this woman give you?

She is not as innocent and pure as she appears on the surface, otherwise, why would there be scandals about her with the famous little fresh meat on the Internet? ! "

Gossip on the Internet?

Could it be that the first lawyer went to court in person after all the turmoil recently?

Everyone was very surprised, and they looked at Mu Changying with intense scrutiny.

I haven't noticed it before, but now I look carefully, she is the woman who took a photo with Li Nanxun.

Everyone had different thoughts, and there was a trace of sympathy in their eyes when they looked at Shichu.

If he really cuckolded the second master, why would he introduce her?

There must be something hidden about this matter!

It's very likely that this turtle boy will be unlucky if he blatantly reveals this matter.


Mu Changying ignored everyone's probing gazes.

She put down the hem of the skirt she was pinching, smoothed out the wrinkles with her small hands, and parted her delicate red lips lightly.

"The scandal of the famous little fresh meat? Be careful with nonsense and I will sue you for defamation~"

"I understand your eagerness to jump over the wall, but I can't tolerate your attempt to bite me."

It's not good for a dog to jump over the wall in a hurry, why can't he think of driving to her muzzle?


When Si Xian and the others who came to the central area heard this, their shoulders trembled and they burst out laughing.

Hua Qiqi stared at Mu Changying with burning eyes, "Sister Ying is really skilled in cursing people."

Just trotting all the way, her hairstyle is a little messy.

Seeing this, Yu Linye and Si Xian exchanged places.

He approached her, and Hua Qiqi noticed it just as he stretched out his hand.

She turned her head abruptly, saw the magnified handsome face in front of her, and almost fell into his arms with her feet twisted.

"You...you...don't get so close to me..."

Yu Linye's pupils narrowed, and he quickly grabbed her arm to prevent her from falling.

With his other hand, he hooked the scattered hair from her forehead behind her ear.

"Hey, don't move."

The boy's body is lingering with a faint mint fragrance, which is refreshing in the hot summer.

The tip of Hua Qiqi's nose was filled with a delicate fragrance, the roots of her ears softened inexplicably, and the surrounding air seemed to rise several degrees.

Si Xian: "..."

Brother, it's wrong to spread dog food in front of him as a single dog.

At this time, a hoarse and magnetic voice sounded in the hall.


"Housekeeper, send him back to his room."

Now that you are unconscious, don't continue to make Yingbao unhappy by showing yourself off at the banquet.

Rong Liyuan's face was full of gloom, and there was a frightening ferocity in his eyes.

He was wearing a well-tailored black suit, with a tall and straight figure, and the low breath lingering around him seemed to be mixed with the rich black.

"Master, come up with me. This room may be the last time you live in it."

Butler Lin stood up from the corner, followed by several bodyguards.

Although they were not tall and sturdy, the bloody smell emanating from their bodies chilled people's hearts, and their sense of fear suddenly rose.

"Dog slave, dog slave, let me go, if you don't let go, I will never spare you!"

Both of Rong Shichu's hands were dislocated, and now he was being dragged away by two big men, like fish waiting to be slaughtered on a chopping board, without the ability to resist at all.

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