Mu Changying smiled like a flower, and the words she uttered were sharp and piercing.


Jin Siyuan's pupils widened, and she looked at her with disbelief.

Doesn't this woman know how to maintain her image in front of Second Master Rong? To say such vulgar words.

"Yingbao's eyes hurt, do you need to wash your eyes?"

Rong Liyuan put one hand on her shoulder, his thin lips were tightly pressed into a stiff straight line.

Those obsidian eyes were as deep as a deep well, but the bottom of the eyes was full of worry.

"I don't need to wash my eyes, why don't I just dispose of the garbage?"

Wouldn't it be better to kill the source of all this?

Mu Changying met his pupils, and patted the back of his hand with her small hand.

"Heh... Ying Bao is right."

Rong Liyuan's Adam's apple rolled, a low laugh escaped from his throat, and the coldness on his body deepened.


Jin Siyuan understood the deep meaning hidden in the conversation between the two, and flinched involuntarily.

But after a brief panic, she quickly suppressed that uneasiness and pretended to be calm.

"Mrs. Rong, you haven't answered my question yet, which family's daughter are you from?"

Her voice was so high that everyone in the hall heard it.

Everyone was very curious about Mu Changying's identity, and they all stopped what they were doing and raised their ears.

With a flash of light in Gu Qingyun's eyes, she broke away from Tan Wan'an's hand and walked to Jin Siyuan's side.

She lowered her head, "Changying...I haven't seen my uncle or aunt pick her up once since she entered the school...Maybe...don't mention such sad things in the future."

Never seen it? Sad thing? Are both parents dead?

Jin Siyuan was overjoyed, took an exaggerated step back, and raised her voice in vain, "What? Madam Rong is an orphan?"

Just after shouting, she quickly covered her mouth with her hands, with deep guilt in her eyes.

Mu Changying's porcelain-white face was calm, and sarcasm flashed in her eyes, "Oh... clumsy."

This acting is too exaggerated and vulgar, it is really eye-catching.


Jin Siyuan's light words instantly brought the atmosphere of the banquet to a climax, and everyone's faces showed incredible expressions.

"Is this girl... crazy? What does she want to do? Offending the huge Rong family will do no good to the family at all..."

Just now, the girl from Jin's family obviously didn't know anything, but Yun'er said such things as soon as she left, there must be ghosts in it.

Now everyone is not paying attention, but after a while, you can understand the twists and turns inside.

Tan Wan'an covered her forehead with one hand, and while everyone's attention was on Mu Changying, she hurriedly stepped forward to grab Lu Qingyun's wrist and tear her away.

These arguments are too harsh.

Si Xian put his tongue against the stem of his teeth, and raised his hand to brush the hair on his forehead.

"Aren't you happy to be alive? You just want to court death. My young master is not a gentleman, even if he's a woman, he can't miss it!"

It was clear that he was plotting against Sister Jiying, did they really think that the members of Class 7 were dead?

Si Xian rolled up his sleeves, and just as he took a step, his back collar was grabbed by someone.

The old man in a Chinese tunic glared, his expression hardened, "Bastard boy, if you dare to mess around, I'll break your dog's legs."

This is the Rong family's banquet, so don't deal with such trivial matters too easily, if you let this kid mess up the situation, it will be difficult to handle.

Hearing the familiar voice, Si Xian immediately flinched, "Grandpa... let go... let go... If you have something to say, don't touch it."

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