Chapter 366

Mu Changying asked him to wipe her little hands obediently, without any resistance at all, as docile as a beautiful porcelain doll.

Looking at the handsome face of the man, there was warmth in her clear eyes, and the corners of her mouth raised uncontrollably.

Ah Yuan, who was concentrating, was really charming, as if he was about to fall over.


Seeing the unscrupulous show of affection between the two in front of him, Jin Xunye took Jin Siyuan's little hand and stood shoulder to shoulder with her.

He covered up the panic deep in his eyes, and tightened his grip on her hand, "Siyuan, be good, it's okay."

No matter what, he will find a way to stop Rong Erye from taking his anger out on them.

Jin Siyuan's face was slightly pale, her lips trembled slightly, "Okay..."

For a moment just now, she thought that she would really be thrown out.

These two are simply devils!

Sensing the burning gaze of the other party, Mu Changying met her eyes with a faint smile, "Well... I'll poke your eyes out if you look at it again~"

Staring at A Yuan without blinking, she would suspect that Jin Siyuan had charming thoughts about her man.

Anyone who dares to spy on her husband...she won't be merciful~

"Yingbao, you don't need to do things like poking blind eyes yourself, just let the bodyguards do it."

Rong Liyuan wiped her little hands wholeheartedly, not sparing every inch of skin.

How could her hands be contaminated with Jin Xunye's breath? What if it is contaminated?


The people in the hall watched the farce, and the astonishment in their eyes had not completely dissipated.

"I can't tell...she is an orphan."

This body's temperament is really good, and it is not inferior to that of a famous lady.

"It seems that Second Master Rong really loves her, otherwise she wouldn't even have the chance to step into Rong's mansion given her family background."

"I still don't quite believe that she came from a small family..."


Everyone in the living room was discussing, looking at Mu Changying with extremely complicated eyes.

It is unbelievable that poor families can raise such outstanding children.

These noisy discussions fell into Rong Liyuan's ears, and the temperature in his eyes became colder and colder.

After wiping Mu Changying's little hands, he took back the silk handkerchief, "Housekeeper, throw them all out..."

"Yes, Second Master."

Deliberately trying to embarrass your wife? The siblings are getting impatient.

Lin Butler's eyes were as calm as water, and he raised his hand expressionlessly to beckon the bodyguard to come forward.

The bodyguards dressed in black clasped the hands of the siblings, ready to drag them out.

These professionally trained people are too powerful, no matter how hard they struggle, it is useless.

Jin Xunye's body was stiff, "Second Lord... If you have something to say..."

He tried his best to lower his attitude, but Rong Liyuan didn't even look at him.

The brother and sister couldn't break free from the shackles, and they were about to be kicked out and humiliated.

At this time, there was a commotion at the entrance of the hall, and a deep male voice fell in everyone's ears.

"Oh? Born in a small family? Orphan? It's not good to spread rumors indiscriminately. If you don't pay attention, you will be jailed..."

The voice was deep and deep, with a hint of threat in it.

Looking up, the man walking up was wearing a well-crafted black suit.

He wore a pair of glasses on the bridge of his nose, and the dangerous light in his eyes was blocked by the lenses.

There was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, but it made people feel extremely alienated.

Delicate and exquisite, a typical smiling tiger.

! ! !

Seeing the person coming, everyone was slightly stunned, as if they didn't expect him to come to this banquet.

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