The Second Master’s Little Ancestor’s Vest Fell To the Ground

Chapter 368 It's a pleasure to work for you

"Brother, if I accept this, won't you be working for me in the future?"

Mu Changying's hand holding the share transfer certificate tightened, feeling both moved and sour in his heart.

It was a strange emotion, two complex emotions were intertwined, the calm surface was torn and broken, and it gradually became magnificent.

The corner of Li Nanfeng's mouth raised slightly, "I'm very happy to work for Yiyi."

This picture of brother and sister in harmony fell into Jin Siyuan's eyes, and her face was distorted a bit.

She lowered her head and raised her foot to step on one of the bodyguards.


The black stiletto heels are so powerful that these leather shoes are almost worn out.

There was severe pain in the bodyguard's toes, and he couldn't help howling.

She broke free from the shackles and took several steps back, her little face full of disbelief.

"Impossible, this person must be invited by you to make a show! How could he be your eldest brother?"

The girl's voice was so piercing that everyone in the banquet hall heard it.

Everyone's hands holding champagne were stiff, and their facial expressions froze for a few seconds.

The first lawyer is Mrs. Rong's brother?

If they were brothers and sisters, it would make sense for Li Nanfeng to donate Hanzhou's shares to her.

Everyone was talking about her humble background, but he came to slap her in the face a second later, which was clearly to support her sister to the end.

Li Nanfeng pushed the frame of the mirror with his knuckle fingers, and his smile was distant and indifferent.

"Miss Jin, your words have seriously affected us. It seems that you really want to see the invoice from the court."

Show off?

He needs to put on a show to support his sister?

"Siyuan, shut up."

Jin Xunye frowned, scolded in a cold voice, and reached out to grab Jin Siyuan's hand to stop her from doing anything.

Li Nanfeng is a man who always says what he says, and he will definitely do what he says.

He hadn't forgotten how the opponent had beaten his opponent back in the first court last time.

If Siyuan were to face such a lawsuit, her reputation in the celebrity circle would be greatly affected.

Mu Changying's fingers trembled slightly, and she licked her lips with her pink and tender tongue, "You guys are too noisy, it affects my conversation with my brother."

She hates it when someone interrupts or cuts in when she's talking...

Rong Liyuan's skeletal fingers bent, "Butler."

Just now I said that the current affairs have not been done well, and the action ability of this group of people is too slow.

Lin Butler put his hands behind his waist and glanced at the bodyguards, "Why don't you invite Miss Jin out quickly? She is too tired and needs to go home and have a good rest."

As soon as I heard this, I knew it was bullshit, but no one present dared to refute it.

Since they are the master's family, if they can entertain Jin Siyuan, they naturally have the right to drive her away.

The surrounding air dropped rapidly, a thick sense of oppression filled the air, the air became thin, and it was difficult to breathe.

The bodyguards noticed that Rong Liyuan was obviously angry, and there were big beads of sweat on his forehead.

A group of people stepped forward, grabbed Jin Siyuan's arm, and dragged her away involuntarily.

She kicked her legs and stared, "You... how dare you? I am the eldest lady of the Jin family. If you are disrespectful to me, my parents will definitely not let you go!"

Unfortunately, no matter how much she resisted this time, she couldn't break free from the bodyguard's hand.

Seeing Jin Siyuan gradually disappearing from sight, Jin Xunye felt nervous.

He wanted to go out, but several bodyguards in front of him blocked his way.

You can't retreat, you can't move forward, you can only stay where you are for a while.

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