
Hearing Tan Wan'an's agreement, Gu Qingyun's eyes dimmed, her chest felt irritated, and a sweet taste almost filled her throat.

She frowned and shook her head.

His mouth opened and closed, but he couldn't spit out a syllable.

Irritability, boredom, chest congestion.

Unfortunately, Tan Wan'an couldn't see what she wanted to express, and looked confused.

Mu Changying smiled as brightly as a flower, "Well... since it's a bet, how can there be no winnings?"

Her eyelashes trembled slightly, and a shadow appeared in front of her eyes. There was a hint of dark light in those bright eyes, which was hard to catch in a flash.

She lowered her head and played with her white fingernails carelessly. She thought for a while and said, "Let me see, if I can cure the old man..."

Before she finished speaking, Tan Wan'an, who was standing aside, saw her expression and felt unsure of herself and felt inexplicably uneasy.

She raised her hand and quickly interrupted, "I will apologize to you in public."

Is this apology edible?

Mu Changying waved her little hand, "Mrs. Gu, I'm really sorry. I'm a layman, and I'm not very interested in things like apologies. Compared with apologies, I prefer substantive things."

Substantial things = real money = money.

Mrs. Gu breathed a sigh of relief. Things that could be solved with money were no big deal.

"If you can cure Mr. Si, I will compensate you 10 million."

"On the contrary, if you can't cure Mr. Si, then you not only have to solve Yun'er's problem, but you also have to apologize to me in public."

Of the two of them, one is older and the other is younger, and their identities are still there. Tan Wanan is destined to not be able to rely on his old age to show off.

If she relies on her old age to show off her strength, then the other party can use her power to bully others.

Mu Changying grinned, revealing her white teeth, "I think...Mrs. Gu can prepare the check in advance."

The bet between the two was witnessed in full view of the public, and no one could escape.


Seeing the girl's delicate little face, Rong Liyuan suddenly smiled.

Yingbao is earning his own pocket money...

With this smile, the indifference around him disappeared, and the sultry hormones spread rapidly to the surroundings.

The two of them seemed to have a good understanding. Mu Changying raised her head and looked at him, just in time to witness this smile.

Although the smile was short-lived, it caused ripples in my heart.


Mu Changying lowered her head and continued to press on the old man's head.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Mr. Si was still in a coma, and no one showed any signs of waking up.

Si Xian stood aside, his heart pounding.

Hua Qiqi and the others were also worried, fearing that she would lose the game.


Everyone was nervous, but Rong Liyuan's expression was always calm and calm, and there was determination in his black eyes.

In the living room, someone couldn't help but muttered, "Isn't she bad?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the person standing next to him raised his hand and slapped him on the head.


"Stop talking nonsense."

If the second master heard this, his neck would definitely move.

"Hey, I can't keep calm."

Mr. Xu touched the non-existent beard on his chin and shook his head gently.

This group of people is too young and has no stamina at all.

This little girl's film is not simple at first glance, their face will definitely be swollen after a while.

"I don't know who she studied under."

He really wanted to discuss medicine with her master.

Suddenly, a voice sounded.

"This... this... look, Mr. Si has moved his hands!"

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