The Second Master’s Little Ancestor’s Vest Fell To the Ground

Chapter 385 On the eve of the herbal medicine identification competition

Now, these fish are hooked.

Mu Changying let go of Rong Liyuan's arm, and a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes.

"In order to avoid anyone saying that this competition is unfair, how about you set the question?"

A trace of surprise flashed in Gu Qingyun's eyes, with a look of astonishment on her face, "Are you serious?"

How could this little bitch be so kind? Is she planning something secretly again?

Her suspicion was caught by Mu Changying, and she rolled her eyes secretly, "Of course."

Seeing that she didn't look fake, although Gu Qingyun was very confused, she still didn't want to miss this great opportunity.

"Then... in this competition we will compete in identifying herbal medicines."

She has never dabbled in other difficult medical knowledge. It is too difficult for her. Only identifying herbal medicines is the easiest to get a score.

Mu Changying nodded, "Okay."


His Yingbao was so kind that he actually gave the choice to Gu Er.

Rong Liyuan focused his gaze on her, his brows and eyes filled with tenderness.

This little bit of tenderness is like the devil's kindness. Oasis in the desert are precious precisely because they are rare.

This kind of gentleness is not much, but it has a strong attraction that makes people want to indulge in it.

Madam Rong looked slightly nervous, "Nanny..."

This girl from the Gu family is very restless. If I give her the opportunity to pose the question, will she interfere with it?

Rong Liyuan looked away from Mu Changying and said, "Mom, believe in Yingbao."

He believed that since Yingbao gave Fang Kai the opportunity to pose the question, it meant that she was absolutely confident that she could win this competition.

Mrs. Rong calmed her mind and said, "Okay."

Li Zhiyi said, "I believe in Yiyi."

No matter what the competition is, the final victory will definitely belong to his sister.

He firmly believed this!

Li Zhiyi took out his hand from his pocket, holding a metal lighter.

Put the lighter on your index finger and spin it a few times, then hold it in your hand and press it with your thumb to make a crackling sound, and a small flame suddenly bursts out.

He put the lighter under his hand and heated it for a few seconds, feeling a faint burning sensation.

Li Zhiyi's cold eyes fell on Gu Qingyun, silently warning her that if she dared to do something small, he would let her try what it felt like to be roasted by fire.

"Brother, that's not how lighters work."

What if he burns himself?

Mu Changying frowned and stepped forward to snatch the lighter from his hand.

She touched the lighter with her white fingers, and there was a warm feeling on its surface.

Her delicate red lips pursed slightly, and she gently blew on the lighter to cool it down.

After a few seconds, the surface temperature of the lighter dropped, and Mu Changying put it back into Li Zhiyi's hand.

She pursed her lips and said, "Second brother, don't worry, I won't lose."

They believed in her so much, how could she lose so easily?

Identifying herbal medicine is a very simple project. After all, for those who are proficient in medical skills, the basic information on herbal medicine in the world is basically memorized in their minds.

Tonight's banquet was full of ups and downs, and everyone's emotions reached their peak.

There was strong excitement in their eyes, and each of them seemed to have been injected with blood.

Mr. Xu stood in the crowd. He thought for a while and then strode forward.

"Since it is a game, there must be no shortage of referees. How about I be the referee for today's game."

Mr. Xu is a descendant of a family of traditional Chinese medicine in China and is an authoritative expert in the circle of traditional Chinese medicine. No one dares to refute him when he stands up as a referee.

[I’ve been very busy recently. I asked for leave yesterday and didn’t write anything. I’ll send you today’s update (well-behaved)]

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