"Yiyi, be good."

Pulling away from the memories, Li Nanfeng looked at Mu Changying, the smile on his lips getting softer and softer.

If the people at Hanzhou Law Firm saw him like this, their jaws would definitely drop in surprise.


Looking at the two people who were getting along so well, Rong Ruoyuan's face was full of sinisterness, as if he had just walked out of a Shura field.

"Yingbao, come here." He looked at her and stretched out his hand.

There was darkness in his eyes, and the undercurrent was rolling, as if the waves were crashing against the rocks.

But there is a trace of tenderness in the richness, which seems to be the only light in the darkness, and people can't help but indulge in it.

He is a siren who has practiced at sea for many years, luring the enemy step by step into his carefully designed trap.


Being stared at by him like this, Mu Changying was decisively cowed.

The corners of her mouth twitched slightly for a while, silently praying for herself in her heart.

It’s really not easy to face these big jealousies.

Hey...how many halves should I divide myself into?

Mu Changying cowardly let go of Li Nanfeng's hand, cleared her throat, and said flatteringly: "Ayuan, don't be angry. If you are angry, you won't be handsome."

Seeing this little expression on her face, Rong Liyuan raised his eyebrows and said, "I won't be angry if Yingbao comes over."

He looked at the two unsightly guys standing next to her, his body growing colder.

If these two people were not Yingbao's brothers, he would have thrown them out hundreds of times.

The atmosphere between the few people was a bit solemn. At this time, a female voice broke the heaviness.

"I'm not disturbing you."

Looking up, I saw a woman wearing a red dress walking gracefully.

The retro palace red dress exposed her snow-white neck, and the waist was exquisitely embroidered, making her figure look even taller.

Red and white shine together, and the skin looks white, tender and delicate, and seems to glow under the light.

Feng Niying walked up to Mu Changying, maintaining a faint look of pride on her face.

"Miracle doctor Changning, thank you for saving my grandfather."

The smile on Mu Changying's lips was a little brighter. She walked over and whispered in the other person's ear.

"No need to thank you. If I remember correctly, I charged the consultation fee.

Also, I said I asked you to be my maid. I have not forgotten this. Don’t be lazy. "

Hearing this, the last trace of uneasiness in Feng Niying's heart was relieved.

Knowing so much, it seems that Mu Changying is indeed the miracle doctor Changning.

Her body was a little stiff, and she could hardly maintain the smile on her lips.

"Hahaha... don't worry, I will definitely fulfill my promise."

After saying that, she stretched out her hand to flip her hair, and an awkward laugh escaped from her throat.

Mu Changying stretched out her little hand and gently patted Feng Niying's shoulder.

The corners of her lips curled up slightly, and her eyes narrowed into thin slits, "Well... it's good that you still remember."

After it was confirmed that the girl in front of her was indeed the miracle doctor Changning, Feng Niying's uneasy feeling finally fell to the ground.

She raised her chin slightly and looked at the people around her, announcing with a serious face.

"Everyone, I am the eldest lady of the Feng family. Today, I am here to announce that Mu Changying will be a guest of my Feng family from now on."

Grandpa has been treated by the miracle doctor Changning and has been discharged from the hospital recently.

Not only did he fully recover, but he was even healthier than before.

Grandpa and his old man were whispering in her ears every day that she should express her gratitude to the miracle doctor Changning when she saw him.

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