
The little Gu insect fell on Rong Moyuan's hand, and the pores all over his body enlarged infinitely, and waves of coldness hit him.

Its eyes rolled and it swallowed hard, not daring to relax for a moment.


In the bedroom, the little Gu insect was placed in the cloakroom. It looked around at the empty surroundings and pouted.

The little mermaid is gone, and it feels so lonely to be alone here.

Mu Changying came back from the cloakroom. After washing, she wore a silk nightgown and lay lazily on the bed, her long white legs dangling.


The bathroom door opened and Rong Liyuan walked out.

He had just taken a shower, and his hair was wet and not yet dried. The water droplets slid down his forehead and across the high bridge of his nose. His sexy thin lips dipped into his neck and dripped down his chest...

When Mu Changying heard the sound, she propped her elbows on the bed and looked sideways at the man who came out.


The man walking towards her exuded an aura of temptation, and she swallowed unconsciously.

Noticing her subtle movements, Rong Liyuan walked up to her, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised and his eyes deep.

"Little pervert, are you hungry? If you are hungry, just take the initiative to find food. I am yours."

His voice is deep and his expression is focused, making people unable to help but want to step into his sweet trap.

"Well, I am indeed hungry."

"I'm very hungry, very hungry."

Mu Changying lay on her side on the bed, raised her right hand and hooked her fingers at him.

The long white legs are delicate and smooth under the warm light, and full of charm.

"Good boy, how can I bear to starve Yingbao? How do you want to eat?"

Rong Moyuan's sexy Adam's apple squirmed, he bent down slightly and pinched her chin with his calloused fingers.

With a little force on his hand, the girl raised her head and made eye contact.

Bah, you are a big hooligan, your mind is unhealthy all day long.

"A Yuan, what I said is that I'm very hungry. I'm almost starving."

Mu Changying smiled, her chin broke away from his restraint, and she patted her belly with her little hands, making a crisp sound.

"Huh... is it flat?"

Rong Liyuan was not angry, he chuckled, touched her belly with his big hand, and rubbed it gently.

There was a tenderness between his brows and eyes, and he was so focused that no one could bear to disturb him.

After rubbing it for a few seconds, he stood up and said, "It's indeed flat. Yingbao, stay here and I'll go to the kitchen to get you something to eat."

She had been dealing with things at tonight's banquet and was busy socializing, so she really didn't eat much.

It's not good if you're hungry.


A few minutes later, Rong Liyuan came back with a piece of black forest cake in his hand.

He sat on the soft sofa, with Mu Changying straddling his lap.

Her calves swayed slightly, her white hands held a spoon, scooped out a spoonful of cake and put it into her mouth.

The cream is sweet and greasy, the chocolate is crispy and crunchy, and the baked bread is extremely soft.

After taking a bite, the aroma spread in her mouth, rich and rich, and she narrowed her eyes in pleasure.

"Well...it's really delicious. The chef at home is really good at cooking. No matter what food he makes, it's delicious."

This chef is a capable person. When she has time, she wants to discuss his cooking skills with him to see who is better.

She ate the cake with her small mouth, her movements were as fast as the wind, as if she were a disaster victim who had been hungry for a long time.

"Yingbao, eat slowly..."

The girl ate too quickly and put a little cream on the corners of her lips.

Rong Liyuan's pupils were faint and his thick eyelashes trembled slightly. He raised his hand and wiped the corners of her lips.

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