The Second Master’s Little Ancestor’s Vest Fell To the Ground

Chapter 418 I can give you my contact information

Li Nanfeng rolled up his sleeves between his arms and finished his breakfast slowly.

He lifted the briefcase on the table, straightened his tie, and looked at Rong Liyuan with a half-smile.

"Since it's a harmful mosquito, just slap it to death. Yiyi won't be merciful next time."

There was something in his words, and everyone present except Fu Jiaojiao understood it.

Mu Changying remained silent and pretended to be dead. If it were anyone else, she could be shameless, but in front of her brothers, she felt inexplicably ashamed.

"Yingbao is so kind that he would not trample an ant to death, so how could he kill a mosquito by swatting him to death?"

Rong Liyuan's face remained as pale as before, and he picked up the tissue next to him with his skeletal hand and wiped the oil stains from the corners of his mouth.


The light in Li Nanfeng's eyes flickered, and the smile at the corner of his mouth became obviously cooler.

I felt unhappy and angry, but these two people still had the certificate, which was legal.


As soon as Li Nanfeng left, Si Jinzhen, who was sitting lazily on the table, immediately let himself go.

He crossed his legs, narrowed his eyes slightly, took a piece of bread in his hand and took a bite.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk... The battle was fierce last night. But I didn't hear anything. It seems that the sound insulation effect of your house is very good."

Mu Changying raised his head, clenched his small hands into fists, and knocked on the table carelessly.

Her delicate red lips parted slightly, "I can ask Ayuan to give you the contact information of the decoration team and the material store. But... you don't seem to have anyone to use."

The girl's voice was crisp and soft, but it contained huge lethality.

Feng Niying curled her lips in disgust and stepped hard on Si Jinzhen's leather shoes with her high heels under the table, rubbing the thin heels hard against his shoes.

"Don't worry about the miracle doctor Changning. He uses a lot of little sisters. But I think there is no need to send contact information. It is better to prepare the medicine early. If he gets AIDS one day, he can be treated in time."

These words hit the nail on the head, leaving no fig leaf behind.

Si Jinzhen's face was bruised and purple, and the depressed anger was pent up in his heart with nowhere to vent, so he could only gnaw the bread in his hand viciously and swallow it in big mouthfuls, with a ferocious look on his face.

"This disease is a bit complicated, but I will study it carefully."

Seeing that he was deflated, Mu Changying chewed the food in her mouth contentedly, her eyes slightly narrowed like a lazy cat.

Fu Huaizheng looked at Fu Jiaojiao who looked confused, and rubbed his forehead.

"Ahem, cough, cough...there are also children, please be careful."

"Where are the children?"

Why do you say that? Did she fall off the horse? Did Zheng Zheng recognize it?

Fu Jiaojiao blinked her big eyes and looked around nervously.

Seeing this, Mu Changying chuckled lightly, with deep fun in his eyes.

"Good boy, it's Dr. Fu who's confused. There are no children here."

"Oh oh oh, so that's it..."

Fu Jiaojiao didn't know why, so she nodded her head believing it was true.

She was so easy to deceive, and everyone looked at Fu Huaizheng with increasingly weird and contemptuous eyes.

What a beast, what a beast, even such a simple child would not be spared.

"Yingbao, wipe your mouth." Rong Liyuan looked at Mu Changying with a hint of softness in his eyebrows.

He just picked up the tissue, and before he got close to her, she quickly snatched it away, "Ayuan, I can just do it myself, no need to trouble you."

Wiping her mouth, as soon as she said these two words, the scene from last night popped up in her mind.

Mu Changying's little face was blushing from embarrassment, and it spread all the way to her neck, and she just had to find a small slit to get through.

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