The Second Master’s Little Ancestor’s Vest Fell To the Ground

Chapter 423: Hitting the scene of the breakup

"That's good, that's good..."

Si Xian breathed a sigh of relief and patted his chest with his hands, a look of joy on his face.

The corner of his eye turned to the book on the table, with a strange look in his eyes.

Sister Ying is so good, even if they are still in the same high school, they will definitely be separated in college.

With Sister Ying's ability, she could easily get into Tsinghua University and Beijing University, but he could barely pass two exams.

"It's... upsetting..." Si Xian was so distressed that he scratched his hair violently.

He is studying hard now, asking the teacher to make up lessons, and I wonder if it will be useful if he sprints harder?


There was a lot of shit on the Internet, and everyone's eyes were shocked. They worshiped instead of worshiping.

Class 17 was in a happy mood, and everyone was immersed in Mu Changying's status as an outcast.

However, Gu Qingyun, who was staying in the ordinary, was not so happy and was full of anger.

The usually quiet class was now making a lot of noise, which made people's eardrums hurt.

She frowned lightly, stood up and straightened her discipline, "Everyone, be quiet, be quiet, class is about to begin, review carefully..."

Unfortunately, her voice was soft and soft, and had no intimidating effect at all.

The noise was so loud that her voice was completely drowned out.

Fu Zixian stood up from his seat, walked to the seat in front of Gu Qingyun, moved his chair and sat down.

She turned around to face him, tore open a lollipop and stuffed it into her mouth, placing her hands on the table.

"Hey, are you still in the mood to worry about discipline? Isn't the lawsuit that worries you the most right now about your stall?"

"Harm, I forgot. Your family is rich and powerful. You can only lose money in this kind of lawsuit. You won't be heartbroken even if you pay millions."

Seeing the enlarged little face in front of her, Gu Qingyun's face stiffened.

She took out her textbook and smiled slightly, "I'm going to review. If nothing happens, please leave, Mr. Fu."

The person who played with that little bitch Mu Changying was indeed not a good person, so he came over very early in the morning to piss her off.

Fu Zixian removed his hand from the table, with doubt in his eyes, "You are so serious, but I haven't seen you surpass me in the exam."


Lu Qingyun was feeling suffocated, her hands holding the book tightened, and her soft little face almost became tense.

When she got angry, Fu Zixian became happy. He returned to his seat and slammed the table.

"Okay, okay, just worship in your heart, don't make any noise."

As the female bully in the class, she was still very influential. Everyone looked at each other and sat down quietly to read.

Lu Qingyun gritted her teeth and took a deep breath, "..."

It's better to leave it alone.


The lively morning ended and it was soon lunch time.

Regardless of whether it is an aristocratic school where most of the students come from extraordinary backgrounds or an ordinary school, as soon as it is lunch time, everyone rushes out of the classroom and starts sprinting 100 meters.

Mu Changying was chewing mint-flavored gum, and she and Hua Qiqi walked shoulder to shoulder and slowly walked out of the classroom.

Many students have left, and the corridor is deserted at the moment.

As soon as the two of them walked around the corner, they heard a humble cry of prayer.

"Yun'er, didn't we get along very well before? Why do you want to break up with me all of a sudden?"

"Did I do something wrong, or what happened? You had no choice but to break up with me? Can you tell me the truth? Yun'er, I don't believe you will change your mind so quickly."

Hmm, this voice is a bit familiar, it seems to belong to a cheap son.

Mu Changying raised her eyebrows, looked at Hua Qiqi and then stopped.

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