After the injection of the medicine was completed, the screams in the little Gu insect's mouth stopped, and Leng Youyou's eyes became even more violent.

Mu Changying took the little guy from Rong Mengyuan's hand and flicked its little head with her index finger.

"Come...get rid of the big guy inside. If you succeed, I will take you to eat meat."

The girl's voice was full of temptation, and the little Gu insect quickly fell into it and was attracted by the delicious food.

"Zhizhizhi~" Okay, I'll deal with it right away. You have to keep your word.

It rubbed Mu Changying's little hand affectionately and made a flattering sound from its mouth.

Seeing that the little Gu worm was so affectionate and dependent on her, Qi Yan's pupils widened in disbelief, " want it to devour the mother worm?"

Is this woman crazy? Making such a crazy decision? !

If two Gu bugs duel inside his body, he will explode and die if he cannot bear it.

Mu Changying snapped her fingers and praised with a smile, "You're so smart."

Well... the little Gu worm will become even more powerful after devouring the mother worm.

" can't do this!!! If something happens to me, the people from Tianyin Sect will definitely not let you go!"

After the guess was confirmed, the fear in Qi Yan's heart amplified infinitely, and his lips trembled.

Mu Changying ignored his shouts and walked slowly to him.

After looking up and down, he pinched his mouth and stuffed the little Gu insect inside.

"Uh huh..."

The little bug entered Qi Yan's mouth and slid down his throat.


Its body carried a foul smell, and he felt a queasy feeling in his stomach, making him retching in disgust.

The little Gu worm entered his body and began to wander around in search of the mother worm.

The two were already inextricably linked, and soon they met on a narrow road after searching for each other.

The mother insect made a squeaking sound, but the little Gu insect was completely unaware of the closeness, and instead regarded the sound as a provocation to fight.

"Zhizhizhi..." Big thing, I must defeat you.

It held out two small tentacles majestically and rushed towards the opponent as fast as lightning.

The bloody mouth opened wide and it bit the female insect's fragile neck viciously.

"Roar..." The body was bitten, and the female insect became angry and began to fight back.

The two Gu insects dueled inside Qi Yan's body, and his internal organs suffered violent impacts.

His face was pale and his face was as hideous as a trapped animal, extremely ugly.

Rong Moyuan walked up to Qi Yan and asked, "Does the Tianyin Sect have a branch in Mingdu City?"

If it were not close to Mingdu City, every action would not be so fast.

Qi Yan was in pain, and his hatred was like boiling water, shouting, "Ahem, cough, cough... you want to know? I prefer... not to tell you..."

Rong Liyuan's face was gloomy, and the coldness lingering around him became stronger and stronger.

"The little Gu seems to like blood." He said something unclear, and then picked up the dagger next to him.

Under Qi Yan's horrified gaze, the dagger tore through the blood vessels in his hand and blood dripped down.

Rong Liyuan took the cup that had just contained the little Gu worm and took a third of the blood.

"A Yuan, let me add some ingredients to it." Mu Changying stepped forward and poured half of the remaining pink powder into the cup.

He opened Qi Yan's mouth and vigorously poured one-third of the blood into it.

Qi Yan was in a panic, "You... you... you can't do this..."

As soon as he opened his mouth, the potion flowed rapidly down his throat and entered his body.

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