Chapter 458 Confidential Information

But in just a few seconds, the card owner's complete information quickly appeared on the page.

The man in the photo is wearing home-style clothes and sitting in a wheelchair. The soft broken hair on his forehead covers half of his eyes, making it impossible to see the expression in his eyes.

But judging from his face and overall temperament, this man's aura is gentle and restrained, and he belongs to the style of a gentle and gentle man.

Her eyes moved downwards and landed on the information: Chu Yin, male, 26 years old, from Capital City.

There is nothing except basic information, which is obviously abnormal.

Nowadays, Huaguo's bank card processing business is very proficient and perfect, and it cannot be processed without all the information.

However, there is very little information about this person, which makes people suspicious.

"Is it a deep family background? Is the information high-level? Or is it using some special means?"

When banks handle business, they will classify customers into three major types.

Ordinary citizens, senior VIPs, confidential personnel.

As for the most advanced level, even the bank is not qualified to check it. Only the bank's subordinate middle office has the right to check it.

"Didi didi——"

The other party launches anti-intrusion mode, the other party launches anti-intrusion mode! ! !

Suddenly, an alarm sounded on the computer screen, and red bold fonts flashed continuously.

Mu Changying typed on the keyboard with both hands, her expression focused and serious, her eyes clear, "Oh... it's pretty fast."

It was discovered that someone had invaded so quickly and started to counter-intrusion. It seems that the bank still has experts.

"Since I just invaded the bank, I will help you improve your system."

If it wasn't an emergency, she wouldn't deliberately hack into the bank's security system.

Not intending to get into a fight with the opponent, he tapped his slender white fingers quickly and attacked with all his strength, finishing off the opponent in two or two strokes.

Enter the security system, search for a set of firewall code programs used by Blue Star from your mind, and click "Upgrade" after writing.

Mu Changying exited the website, cleaned up the traces, and rubbed her sore fingers.


Central Hall Bank, Security Department.

A dozen security guards sat together, staring at the computer screen with serious faces.

If a bank is attacked by a hacker, they will be held responsible if the losses are heavy.

The director of the bank stood behind them, anxious and anxious, pacing back and forth like an ant on a hot pot.

Sweat dripped from his forehead, "How's it going? How's it going? Can it be solved?"

There are many large clients in the bank. If all these funds are lost, he will be dismissed from his position.


Several network security personnel looked at the upgraded system, and it was difficult for them to remain silent.

They looked at each other with confusion in their eyes.

Director Chu's eyes were red with anxiety and he stamped his feet, "What's going on? Speak quickly!"

He had to die early or late, so it was better to give him a happy life.

The network security captain who was sitting in his seat stood up and said, "Cough cough cough... Chu Hall, the bank did not lose a penny. The expert also upgraded our security system.

And I just checked, there is no virus at all, and the performance has improved a lot. The upgraded system is arguably the strongest in the country. "

Invading a bank not for money, but to upgrade the system?

Chu Ting was stunned, and the flashing anger in his eyes was completely extinguished.

He blinked his eyelashes and looked at the person in front of him with doubt, "Really? That's right?"

Are you sure you're not kidding him?

The captain, the monk Zhang Er, was also confused and confused, "Really."

He didn't understand why that master's style was so different.

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