The most important thing is that there are many people in Tianyin Sect. If they disappear quietly from the world, they will definitely arouse suspicion.

His body trembled, "I have it, I have value..."

The Gu worms in the body seemed to be going crazy, moving around and attacking the organs like crazy.

His internal organs seemed to be twisted together, making him feel miserable.

The organs looked small and fragile in front of the Gu insects, as if they would be completely torn apart in the next second.

Under the torture of endless pain, the hatred in his eyes disappeared, and he became as humble as a dog.

"Don't... don't give up on me. I have value. I know many secrets of Tianyin Sect."

He couldn't die. He definitely couldn't die here easily. This was simply a shame and a great humiliation.

The dagger in Rong Liyuan's hand mixed with the big man's face and slowly slid to his neck, "Tell me, what do you know."

The sharp tip of the knife moved gently around his neck. If he didn't pay attention, the dagger would pierce his throat, causing him to die on the spot and run to the arms of Hades.

His feet were trembling with fear, his body was inexplicably weak, and the pain in his limbs made his face distorted.

He spoke cautiously, "I...I know someone named Chu. Although his accent is concealed, you can still hear it as a local voice, and...he is not in good health..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the secret was leaked out, and the Gu worms in his body became more agitated, but he did not explode and die and turn into a pool of blood.

Although Lan Yousan can cause the Gu insects to riot and cause damage to the body, it can still prevent him from dying suddenly at any time.

Mu Changying retracted her hand from around his neck, suddenly raised her foot and kicked his knee.

"Hey... what a pity. It seems that your use value is not very high~"

She already knew these things, so why did he need to talk nonsense?


He fell to the ground, his face pale, and he let out a muffled groan. His body was dripping with sweat, and all kinds of pain were mixed together.

Seeing his brothers who were unconscious on the ground, his eyes struggled for a moment, and then he seemed to have made some kind of decision.


After reciting something silently in his mind, he used all his strength to get up from the ground, his fighting spirit rekindled in his body, and he ran desperately to the road ahead.

Escape, escape from the clutches of this couple...

"I don't know whether to live or die." Mu Changying dared to kick someone to the ground, so it was impossible for him to be on guard.

He just ran out with his front foot and was caught before he could reach three meters.

Mu Changying pulled the back collar of his clothes, and Rong Liyuan raised his foot and kicked him down on the knee.

"Plop -" He knelt on the ground and made a dull sound.

"You don't want your legs anymore?"

The corners of his mouth rose imperceptibly, revealing a sinister smile.

The hand with clear bones was playing with the dagger, and the cold light emitted, so cold that it made people wary.

"No, no, no... I won't run away, I don't dare anymore..." The fire in my heart was completely extinguished.

These two people were so powerful that he couldn't escape from their Wuzhishan.

"Bang..." Mu Changying let out a light snort and took out her cell phone to call the police.

Except for the leader, these people are all minions. Bringing them back to Rong Mansion will not only provide no useful information, but will also cause trouble.

Rather than doing this, it is better to leave them to the public to deal with it.

As for him, he obviously didn't know much. The bargaining chip used for negotiation at the last minute was only a few words about marginalized people.

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