As soon as the words fell, the person who was still weak was instantly resurrected with full health.

Bai Mo raised his head excitedly and stared at the kitchen with burning eyes, "Thank you, Madam. Madam is really a kind-hearted person."

He blew a rainbow fart quickly, greased his soles and ran towards the kitchen.


His Yingbao is certainly kind-hearted.

Rong Moyuan sat down, picked up a spoon, put a small glutinous rice ball into his mouth.

Take a gentle bite, the dough breaks open, the black sesame inside flows out, and the sweet and greasy smell lingers in your mouth.

"A Yuan, how are you?" Mu Changying held her chin with one hand and stared at him with a faint smile.

His table manners are excellent, and his eating movements are extremely graceful, making it impossible to make any mistakes.

The sleeves on his arms were rolled up to the middle, revealing a cold white forearm.

Although the skin is an unhealthy cold white color, the skin on the arms is not soft. It can be seen at a glance that they have developed arm strength from years of exercise.

"It's delicious. Thank you for your hard work, Yingbao."

Rong Suyuan buried his head in eating and expressed with practical actions that the taste of this bowl of glutinous rice balls was really good.

"Hehehehe..." Mu Changying had a smile in her eyes and picked up a small spoon to eat breakfast slowly.

Bai Mo left and came back, holding a bowl full of small glutinous rice balls in his hand.

He was silent after sitting down, and swept away the food with his hands quickly, as if he was reincarnated by a starving ghost.


The skin of the glutinous rice balls is soft and glutinous, and it tastes sweet and delicious without being cloying.

The black sesame seeds inside are even more tempting. When you take a sip, the sweet and confusing fragrance flows into your mouth.

Bai Mo's eyes narrowed slightly, and the bright colors in his eyes became more and more intense, fresh and vivid.

Madam's cooking skills are really amazing, even the chefs in five-star hotels can't compare to her.


They eat happily, but the people standing by are miserable.

Smelling the fragrance in the air, Butler Lin and a group of maids lowered their heads in silence.

The hunger in my stomach became more and more serious, and I couldn't help but rub my stomach with my hands.

The smell is so delicious that you can't tell whether you can eat it or not. It smells like torture.

Fu Huaizheng and Fu Jiaojiao came down one after another.

He pulled out a chair and sat down, pushing up the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, "Hey... you didn't even call me for breakfast?"

The taste of this glutinous rice dumpling is so fragrant that even those who are used to eating delicacies from all over the world have to praise it.

Rong Liyuan raised his head and glanced at Fu Huaizheng coldly, "My wife did this."

The implication is: Don’t read it, it’s none of your business.

He almost laughed angrily when he had to protect food to this extent. Rong Xiaoer was too stingy.

Isn't it just a bowl of glutinous rice balls? Do you need to use it?


Sitting aside, Fu Jiaojiao smelled the sweet smell, and there was an inelegant sound of hunger in her stomach.

"I...I..." Sensing that everyone's eyes were on her, her little face suddenly turned red, like a ripe apple.

Mu Changying put down the spoon and smiled gently, "Are you hungry? Go to the kitchen to serve it. There is more."

As she spoke, she gently patted Rong Suyuan with her other hand placed under the dining table.

Although he is an adult now, his mind is still that of a child, and he must take good care of the seedlings of the motherland.

"Thank you, sister." Fu Jiaojiao smiled instantly and ran towards the kitchen.


Looking at her back, the worry in Fu Huaizheng's eyes did not diminish at all.

He was silent for a second, then stood up from his position, "I'll go take a look."

Jiaojiao has been raised by his side since she was a child, and he has done many things by himself.

This was the first time she had to do this kind of work of serving rice, and it would be bad if she burned her hands.

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