After she finished speaking, without waiting for Zhang Minyi's answer, her interesting eyes fell on Chu Mu, her delicate red lips parted slightly, "Little Chuzi, when did you get a girlfriend?"

When Chu Mu heard this, the veins on his forehead bulged, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he quickly waved his hands to prove his innocence.

"Sister Ying, I am still a young man with a golden age. I am innocent and have never been touched by anyone!"

He didn't want to have an extra "girlfriend" for no reason.

What is a girlfriend? Is it because being single is not exciting or is racing not exciting enough?


Mu Changying obviously didn't say anything outrageous, but Zhang Minyi felt extremely humiliated.

Her fair and tender face turned red and white, and the mixture of blue and purple was wonderful.

The low pressure around her filled the air, and everyone around her dispersed.

Mu Changying patted him on the shoulder, "Okay. I believe you."

"By the way, Sister Ying. Don't forget to promise me what you promised me after school today."

The domestic competition is about to begin, but none of his team members have watched it yet.

"Yes, I understand." Mu Changying nodded and looked at the young man in front of him, the light in his eyes flickering.

Chu Mu, Chu Yin...these two are brothers.

However, after observing for a long time, I really didn’t see any bad intentions in this guy.

"Ahem...Why are you gathering around the school gate? Why don't you hurry up and go to class? Do you want me to personally escort you to the classroom?"

Bai Mo parked the car, walked into the school gate and saw everyone gathered around.

After seeing the two people being watched, ruthless ferocity flashed across Bai Ruan's face.

The ferocity disappeared in a flash, and he returned to his harmless appearance, raising his hand to disperse the onlookers.

The young master of the Chu family... What does this guy want to do with his wife?

Bai Mo stepped forward and reached out to pat Chu Mu on the shoulder.

"Pah - pah -"

These two palms were unambiguous at all, and their strength was surprisingly strong, almost breaking the human bones.

He was slapped hard, his face twisted slightly, and a painful groan almost escaped his lips.

Chu Mu shook off the pain and swallowed it in his stomach, trying his best to look calm and calm.

"Little Momo."

If you keep filming, people will really fall apart.

Mu Changying watched the confrontation between the two with a faint smile in her eyes.

I took out my phone and looked at the time. It was only about five minutes before the first exam.

"It's getting late, I'm going to the classroom. I promised you that I won't be absent."

She held the sweet lollipop in her mouth, twisted her schoolbag and turned around to leave.

As soon as Mu Changying left, Bai Mo's hand on Chu Mu's shoulder not only didn't move away, but instead held it in the shape of an eagle's claw and clasped his shoulder vigorously.

He showed his white teeth, with a ferocious expression on his face, and said in a sinister tone, "Boy, if you are wiser, stay away from her."

Chu Mu endured the pain, took a deep breath, and looked at Bai Mo unyieldingly.

He smiled coldly, with an unruly look on his face, "Are you from Dahai? You are so lenient. If you are so worried, could you be plotting against Sister Ying?"

The suspicious eyes fell on Bai Mo's body as if they were being scanned by a laser.

The hand he placed on Chu Mu's shoulder was stiff, and there were a few cracks on his face. He suddenly let go of the other person and jumped a few meters away, widening the distance between the two people, as if this person was some kind of savage beast.

Bai Mo's pupils widened, with obvious anger on his face, and he yelled loudly, "Bah, bah, bah...boy, you can eat randomly, but you can't talk nonsense!"

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