After eating, return to class.

People from Class 17 saw a strange scene as soon as they entered the classroom.

Hua Qiqi and Si Xian each held a book and chewed it with concentration.

What's the use of not paying attention at ordinary times and cramming for exams?

Some people wanted to go up and make fun of them, but they saw Mu Changying and Yu Linye standing guard next to them.

No matter who these two people were, one glance could send chills all over their bodies.

He touched his nose awkwardly, put aside his thoughts, and retreated in unison.



The exam bell rang, and Teacher Zhou, the invigilator, walked into the classroom holding the test papers.

His face was serious, and his eyebrows were frowned tightly, with an oppressive sharpness.

His eyes fell on Hua Qiqi and Si Xian. Thinking of what Zhang Minyi said when he ran to his office, the coldness in his eyes became stronger and almost turned into frost.

Mu Changying was keenly aware of this cold gaze, put down the ballpoint pen she was playing with, and raised her head to look at Teacher Zhou.

The corners of her mouth curled into a half-hard line, "Teacher, it's time to hand out test papers. It's not a good idea to waste time."

Gee, that look is a bit evil.

"Ahem, cough, cough...don't be in a hurry. There is enough time. Please read the questions carefully before answering."

Teacher Zhou pulled away from the memories, raised his hand to cover his mouth and coughed lightly to hide the expression on his face.

He handed out the test papers and then stood next to Si Xian with a prickly look.

He stared at him unblinkingly, not giving him any chance of cheating.

Si Xian: "..."

Damn it, why is this teacher staring at him so closely? It made him feel uncomfortable all over.

Mu Changying got the test paper and after reading it roughly, she made sure that she had sketched out all the questions that appeared on it.

She buried her little head, picked up a pen, and quickly answered the questions. The handwriting is beautiful, the paper is clean, and the meticulous answers are pleasing to the eye.

The classroom of Class 17 was silent, and many people could not answer the questions seriously.

Time flew by quickly from my fingertips. About twenty minutes later, one test paper was finished.

Seeing Teacher Zhou still staring at Si Xian, Mu Changying's slender eyebrows frowned slightly.

She put the ballpoint pen on her fingertips and rotated it gently, then suddenly put it away and held it in her palm.


The ballpoint pen was broken into two pieces with such force on the hand, and the crisp sound made people's hearts tremble.

"Who is influencing others in the examination room?" Teacher Zhou saw that Si Xian was doing all the questions correctly.

He was full of anger, the muscles on his face trembled slightly, and the anger in his heart kept rising.

"Sorry, this pen is not very durable. It broke while writing." Mu Changying propped her elbows on the table and held her chin with one hand.


Hearing a familiar voice, Teacher Zhou turned around and looked towards the source of the sound.

His eyes fell on the smiling girl, and the anger in his heart was instantly extinguished.

These words always make people think that she is very likely to break him in half.

Teacher Zhou put his hands behind his waist, walked up to the podium and sat down, picked up the pointer and slapped the table, "Quiet, quiet! Everyone is taking the exam quietly, why are you making such a fuss?!"

There was obviously not a lot of noise in the classroom, but when it came to his mouth, it turned into a noisy and indiscriminate noise.


Mu Changying's red lips curled up and she made a soft sound, picked up the two broken pens on the table and threw them into the trash can.

The pen drew a beautiful arc in mid-air, and finally fell firmly into the trash can with a slight sound.


Teacher Zhou's face, sitting high on the podium, turned darker.

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