Fu Zixian leaned against the wall and sneered, his cold eyes passing through the crowd towards Zhang Minyi and Gu Qingyun.

"Oh? Did you hear it with your own ears? You just heard it when you said you heard it? I wonder if you were afraid of losing the bet, so you deliberately waited for an opportunity to throw dirty water on Sister Ying."

Being stared at by the cool eyes, Zhang Minyi felt a chill in his heart and raised his head stubbornly, "I did hear it. I don't even bother to tell such lies."

Fu Zixian didn't care. She moved her wrist, stood up and walked straight towards the two people.

Seeing her coming, the others consciously made way for her to pass through.

She came to the two of them, raised her feet and stepped on the chair nearby, bending slightly.

"Before the truth of the matter comes out, if I hear you talk nonsense again, I won't mind tearing your mouth apart!"

Gu Qingyun frowned, a trace of displeasure flashed in her eyes, and she lightly opened her red lips, "Fu..."

Fu Zixian raised his eyebrows, with a heavy joking look on his face, and his malicious eyes fell on Gu Qingyun's mouth.

"What? Miss Gu Er wants to stand up for her? Do you also want to be torn apart?"

Although this Xiao Bailian did not stand up to stir up trouble, she kept Zhang Minyi docile and became her loyal lackey.

Gu Qingyun was so angry that she twitched the corner of her mouth a few times. She lowered her eyes and persuaded in a gentle voice, "We are all classmates, there is no need to be so stiff for an outsider~"

"Shit. You are an outsider here!" Fu Zixian kicked the chair over and rolled his eyes indecently.


Principal room.

Mu Changying, Hua Qiqi and Si Xian were sitting on the sofa, with Bai Mo standing next to them.

His clean and harmless little face was calm and serious, and he stared at Teacher Zhou with a sharp look.

Madam is so resourceful, why does she need to cheat on a mere exam?


Looking at Teacher Zhou who was chattering and spitting, Mu Changying leaned heavily on the sofa and watched casually.

"Principal, the actions of the three of them are really too much, and they don't take the school rules and disciplines seriously at all.

This time they must be severely punished, otherwise more students will follow their example in the future.

Don't indulge in violence, this is ruining the reputation of our 'Qingjin High School'! "

He was dancing with joy as he spoke, and his anger seemed to have found an outlet and poured out.

After listening for a while, Mu Changying felt a little sleepy and took out her ears with her little hands.

Si Xian and Hua Qiqi lowered their heads, yawned again and again, and looked sleepy.

She patted her head to stay awake, took out the candy from her bag, tore it open and stuffed it into her mouth.

The strong taste of toffee filled the mouth, and the sleepiness disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Mu Changying shook her head and refused the toffee offered by Hua Qiqi, stretched out and crossed her legs.

"Teacher Zhou, it's not good to throw dirty water at random without any evidence. If you don't pay attention, you will get angry."

She crossed her hands and intertwined her fingers with her calm expression, which greatly stimulated Teacher Zhou.

Veins popped up on his forehead, he slammed the table, turned around angrily, pointed his finger at her and yelled angrily.

"Principal, look, look, look...she actually threatened me openly and openly. How can she look like a student at all?"

On the contrary, today's students are so arrogant and domineering. Do they want to go to heaven?

The corners of Mu Changying's lips curled up into a kind smile, "Wrong. This is not a threat, but a well-intentioned advice."

"Also... Teacher Zhou, you are so anxious even before the principal has spoken. Do you want to have some evil intentions, get a glimpse of the principal's throne, and try to replace him?"

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