Chu Mu kicked the wall irritably, "Sister Ying... I'm sorry for today."

Damn, the domestic competition is about to start in a few days, but no one on the team knows Sister Ying yet.

Mu Changying waved her little hands, "It's okay."

At least, this trip was not fruitless.

Chu Yin put his hand on the armrest of the wheelchair and rubbed it gently with his fingers.

"Ah Mu, go home early. Dad is waiting for you at home. I will take your classmates back."

The gentle look on his face is too pure, and his superb acting skills make it impossible to find any mistakes.

A trace of surprise flashed across Mu Changying's eyes, and she nodded with a smile, "Then I'll trouble Brother Chu."

She wanted to see what he wanted to do?

Chu Yin pushed the wheelchair out, "You are Amu's friend, no need to worry."

Mr. Rong’s wife...

According to the investigation, this girl was very helpful during the night when the branch hall was under attack.


Mu Changying sat in the Chu family's car.

The driver in front was concentrating on driving, while Chu Yin and Mu Changying were sitting in the back seat.

Since getting in the car, both of them were silent, and there was a bit of embarrassment in the cramped space.

After a long time, he put down the book in his hand and raised his head to look at the fair profile of the girl next to him.

A gentle smile appeared on Chu Yin's lips, with a hint of joking in his tone, "Chang Ying got into my car so easily, aren't you afraid that I am a bad person?"

Mu Changying looked back at the scenery outside the window, doubts in her eyes, her lips slightly opened, "Brother Chu, are you a bad person?"

She looked relaxed, but there was a hint of cruelty in her eyes.

Looking along the way just now, she discovered that this route did not lead directly to Rong Mansion at all.

The car didn't deliberately go to remote areas, it just cleared a lot of road and lengthened the short distance a lot.

A deep chuckle escaped from Chu Yin's throat, "Of course I'm not."

"Well, I believe Brother Chu." Mu Changying blinked her eyelashes lightly, her eyes clear, and nodded her head in cooperation.

Because... she clearly understood that the person in front of her was an evil spirit that was more difficult to deal with than a bad person.


The girl in front of her acted innocent and harmless, as if she could be crushed to death with one finger without any thought.

But Chu Yin discovered that she kept the car window open all the way, holding her chin with one hand to enjoy the scenery on the roadside.

Seeing the beautiful scenery is a lie, but not letting down your guard is true.

It seems that the driver's driving route is not obscure enough.

He rubbed his thumb and index finger and said, "Changying, I did have selfish motives for sending you back just now."

Mu Changying's heart trembled, she raised her unpainted face and asked warmly, "Huh? Brother Chu, what are your selfish motives?"

From the moment she got in the car, she deliberately leaked a few flaws to test Chu Yin.

Sure enough, he noticed it easily.

Extraordinarily keen and good at discerning people's hearts, he is definitely not a mediocre person in the Tianyin Sect.

Now I just admit my selfishness openly and openly, just to dispel her defensiveness.

"Chang Ying, I heard that you have excellent medical skills. I wonder if you can check if these legs can be saved for me?"

Chu Yin still had a smile on his lips, but his whole body was filled with an aura of loneliness, which made people heartbroken and couldn't help but give him everything.

"Of course, I'll take care of this little thing." Mu Changying patted her chest with her little hand and agreed readily.

She took out a silk handkerchief from her schoolbag and put it on his hand, placing her fingers on the pulse point to auscultate.

"...That would be troublesome." Seeing her so happy, he couldn't help but feel doubtful.

Could it be that he made a mistake? Was she really just bored so she opened the window to look at the scenery?

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